

作者:教会禁止手领圣体时间:2024-09-29 06:55:53浏览: 272次

圣 西克斯图斯一世(115-125 年)。禁止信徒用手触碰圣体:"Statutum est ut sacra vasa non ab aliis quam a sacratis Dominoque dicatis contrectentur hominibus..." [已颁布法令,除献给主的人外,其他人不得用手触碰。]

POPE ST. EUTYCHIAN (275-283). Forbade the faithful from taking the Sacred Host in their hand.

教宗圣 欧迪奇安(275-283 年)。禁止信徒手领圣体。

St. Basil considered Communion in the hand so irregular that he did not hesitate to consider it a grave fault.


COUNCIL OF SARAGOSSA (380). It was decided to punish with EXCOMMUNICATION anyone who dared to continue the practice of Holy Communion in the hand. The Synod of Toledo confirmed this decree.

萨拉戈萨大公会议(380 年)。会议决定对胆敢继续用手领圣体的人处以 "逐出教会 "的惩罚。托莱多宗教会议确认了这一法令。

POPE ST. LEO I THE GREAT (440-461). Energetically defended and required faithful obedience to the practice of administering Holy Communion on the tongue of the faithful.

教宗圣利奥一世(440-461 年)。极力维护并要求信众忠实遵守舌领圣体的做法。

SYNOD OF ROUEN (650). Condemned Communion in the hand to halt widespread abuses that occurred from this practice, and as a safeguard against sacrilege.

鲁昂宗教会议(650 年)。谴责用手领受圣体,以制止这种做法造成的广泛滥用,并作为防止亵渎圣体的保障措施。

SIXTH ECUMENICAL COUNCIL, AT CONSTANTINOPLE (680-681). Forbade the faithful to take the Sacred Host in their hand, threatening the transgressors with excommunication.

天主教第六次大公会议,在君士坦丁堡召开(680-681 年)。禁止信众手领圣体,并威胁违反者将被逐出教会。

ST. THOMAS AQUINAS (1225-1274). "Out of reverence towards this sacrament [the Holy Eucharist], nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands, for touching this sacrament." (Summa Theologica, Pars III, Q. 82, Art. 3, Rep. Obj. 8)

教会圣师多马斯-阿奎那(1225-1274 年)。"为了尊钦此圣事,凡是接触此圣事者都应先获得祝圣。如圣体布、圣爵,以及相仿地,司铎的双手。以便接触这一圣事。由是之故,其他任何人都不可接触。"(《神学总论》,第三部分,问题82,第3条,反对意见8)

COUNCIL OF TRENT (1545-1565). "The fact that only the priest gives Holy Communion with his consecrated hands is an Apostolic Tradition."
