
【户籍纪】第一章  引言  下一章 >>

1:1 以色列人出埃及国后第二年二月一日,上主在西乃旷野于会幕内训示梅瑟说:
In the year following that of the Israelites' departure from the land of Egypt, on the first day of the second month, the LORD said to Moses in the meeting tent in the desert of Sinai:
1:2 「你们要依照以色列子民的宗教和家系,统计全会众的人口,把男丁的姓名都一一登记。
"Take a census of the whole community of the Israelites, by clans and ancestral houses, registering each male individually.
1:3 在以色列中,凡二十岁以上能上阵作战的,你和亚郎要一队一队地统计。
You and Aaron shall enroll in companies all the men in Israel of twenty years or more who are fit for military service.
1:4 每一支派有一人同你们合作,他们都是各宗族的族长。
"To assist you there shall be a man from each tribe, the head of his ancestral house.
1:5 那协助你们的人名如下:勒乌本支派,是舍德乌尔的儿子厄里族尔;
These are the names of those who are to assist you: from Reuben: Elizur, son of Shedeur;
1:6 西默盎支派,是族黎沙待的儿子舍路米耳;
from Simeon: Shelumiel, son of Zurishaddai;
1:7 犹大支派,是阿米纳达布的儿子纳赫雄;
from Judah: Nahshon, son of Amminadab;
1:8 依撒加尔支派,是族阿尔的儿子乃塔乃耳;
from Issachar: Nethanel, son of Zuar;
1:9 则步隆支派,是赫隆的儿子厄里雅布;
from Zebulun: Eliab, son of Helon;
1:10 若瑟的两个儿子:厄弗辣因支派,是阿米胡得的儿子厄里沙玛;默纳协支派,是培达族尔的儿子加默里耳;
from Ephraim: Elishama, son of Ammihud, and from Manasseh: Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur, for the descendants of Joseph;
1:11 本雅明支派,是基德敖尼的儿子阿彼丹;
from Benjamin: Abidan, son of Gideoni;
1:12 丹支派,是阿米沙待的儿子阿希厄则尔;
from Dan: Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai;
1:13 阿协尔支派,是敖革兰的儿子帕革厄耳;
from Asher: Pagiel, son of Ochran;
1:14 加得支派,是勒乌耳的儿子厄肋雅撒夫;
from Gad: Eliasaph, son of Reuel;
1:15 纳斐塔里支派,是厄南的儿子阿希辣。」
from Naphtali: Ahira, son of Enan."
1:16 这些人是由会众中选出来的,都是他们宗族的领袖,以色列的千夫长。
These were councilors of the community, princes of their ancestral tribes, chiefs of the troops of Israel.
1:17 梅瑟和亚郎就带着这些提名派定的人,
So Moses and Aaron took these men who had been designated,
1:18 于二月一日召集了全会众,人都依照宗族和家系登了记,由二十岁以上的,都一一将姓名登了记。
and assembled the whole community on the first day of the second month. Every man of twenty years or more then declared his name and lineage according to clan and ancestral house,
1:19 上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟,梅瑟就怎样在西乃旷野统计了他们。
as the LORD had commanded Moses. This is their census as taken in the desert of Sinai.
1:20 以色列的长子勒乌本子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的男子,都一一将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Reuben, the first-born of Israel, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:21 勒乌本支派登记的,计有四万六千五百。
forty-six thousand five hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Reuben.
1:22 西默盎子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的男子,都一一将姓名登了记,
Of the descendants of Simeon, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:23 西默盎支派登记的,计有五万九千三百。
fifty-nine thousand three hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Simeon.
1:24 加得子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Gad, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:25 加得支派登记的,计有四万五千六百五十。
forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty were enrolled in the tribe of Gad.
1:26 犹大子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Judah, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:27 犹大支派登记的,计有七万四千六百。
seventy-four thousand six hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Judah.
1:28 依撒加尔子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记,
Of the descendants of Issachar, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:29 依撒加尔支派登记的,计有五万四千四百。
fifty-four thousand four hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Issachar.
1:30 则步隆子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Zebulun, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:31 则步隆支派登记的,计有五万七千四百。
fifty-seven thousand four hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Zebulun.
1:32 若瑟的子孙:厄弗辣因子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Joseph-Of the descendants of Ephraim, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:33 厄弗辣因支派登记的,计有四万五百。
forty thousand five hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Ephraim.
1:34 默纳协子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的男子,都一一将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Manasseh, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:35 默纳协支派登记的,计有三万二千二百。
thirty-two thousand two hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Manasseh.
1:36 本雅明子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Benjamin, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:37 本雅明支派登记的,计有三万五千四百。
thirty-five thousand four hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Benjamin.
1:38 丹子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Dan, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:39 丹支派登记的,计有六万二千七百。
sixty-two thousand seven hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Dan.
1:40 阿协尔子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Asher, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:41 阿协尔支派登记的,计有四万一千五百。
forty-one thousand five hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Asher.
1:42 纳斐塔里子孙的后裔,依照宗族和家系,二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的,都将姓名登了记;
Of the descendants of Naphtali, registered by lineage in clans and ancestral houses: when all the males of twenty years or more who were fit for military service were polled,
1:43 纳斐塔里支派登记的,计有五万三千四百:
fifty-three thousand four hundred were enrolled in the tribe of Naphtali.
1:44 以上是梅瑟和亚郎并以色列的首领十二人──每宗族一人──所登记的人数。
It was these who were registered, each according to his ancestral house, in the census taken by Moses and Aaron and the twelve princes of Israel.
1:45 以色列中二十岁以上,凡能上阵作战的以色列子民,全依照宗族和家系登了记。
The total number of the Israelites of twenty years or more who were fit for military service, registered by ancestral houses,
1:46 全体登记的总数,是六十万三千五百五十。
was six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty.
1:47 但是肋末人没有依照自己的宗派同他们一起登记,
The Levites, however, were not registered by ancestral tribe with the others.
1:48 因为上主曾训示梅瑟说:「
For the LORD had told Moses,
1:49 只有肋未支派,不要登记,不要将他们列在以色列子民内。
"The tribe of Levi alone you shall not enroll nor include in the census along with the other Israelites.
1:50 你应派肋未人管理会幕和其中一切器皿,并一切附属物。他们要搬运会幕和其中一切器皿,在会幕中服务,住在会幕的四周。
You are to give the Levites charge of the Dwelling of the commandments with all its equipment and all that belongs to it. It is they who shall carry the Dwelling with all its equipment and who shall be its ministers. They shall therefore camp around the Dwelling.
1:51 会幕要迁移时,肋未人拆卸;会幕要搭扎时,肋未人张搭;若俗人走近,应处死刑。
When the Dwelling is to move on, the Levites shall take it down; when the Dwelling is to be pitched, it is the Levites who shall set it up. Any layman who comes near it shall be put to death.
1:52 以色列子民应分队扎营,各归本旗。
While the other Israelites shall camp by companies, each in his own division of the camp,
1:53 但肋未人应在会幕四周扎营,免得以色列子民会众触犯天怒;肋未人应负责看守会幕。」
the Levites shall camp around the Dwelling of the commandments. Otherwise God’s wrath will strike the Israelite community. The Levites, then, shall have charge of the Dwelling of the commandments."
1:54 以色列子民都照办了;上主怎样吩咐了梅瑟,他们就怎样办了。
All this the Israelites fulfilled as the LORD had commanded Moses.
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