
【若望福音】第十二章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

12:1 逾越节前六天,耶稣来到伯达尼,就是耶稣从死者中唤起拉匝禄的地方。
Six days before Passover Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
12:2 有人在那里为他摆设了晚宴,玛尔大伺候,而拉匝禄也是和耶稣一起坐席的一位。
They gave a dinner for him there, and Martha served, while Lazarus was one of those reclining at table with him.
12:3 那时,玛利亚拿了一斤极珍贵的纯「拿尔多」香液,敷抹了耶稣的脚,并用自己的头发擦干,屋里便充满了香液的气味。
Mary took a liter of costly perfumed oil made from genuine aromatic nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair; the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.
12:4 那要负卖耶稣的依斯加略犹达斯──即他的一个门徒──便说:
Then Judas the Iscariot, one (of) his disciples, and the one who would betray him, said,
12:5 「为什么不把这香液去卖三百块「德纳」,施舍给穷人呢?」
"Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days' wages and given to the poor?"
12:6 他说这话,并不是因为他关心穷人,只因为他是个贼,掌管钱囊,常偷取其中所存放的。
He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and held the money bag and used to steal the contributions.
12:7 耶稣就说:「由她罢!这原是她为我安葬之日而保存的。
So Jesus said, "Leave her alone. Let her keep this for the day of my burial.
12:8 你们常有穷人和你们在一起;至于我,你们却不常有。」
You always have the poor with you, but you do not always have me."
12:9 有许多犹太人听说耶稣在那里,就来了,不但是为耶稣,也是为看他从死者中所唤起的拉匝禄。
(The) large crowd of the Jews found out that he was there and came, not only because of Jesus, but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.
12:10 为此,司祭长决议连拉匝禄也要杀掉,
And the chief priests plotted to kill Lazarus too,
12:11 因为有许多犹太人为了拉匝禄的缘故,离开他们,而信从了耶稣。
because many of the Jews were turning away and believing in Jesus because of him.
12:12 第二天,来过节的群众,听说耶稣来到耶路撒冷,
On the next day, when the great crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,
12:13 便拿了棕榈枝,出去迎接他,喊说:「贺三纳!因上主之名而来的,以色列的君王,应受赞颂。」
they took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, (even) the king of Israel."
12:14 耶稣找了一匹小驴,就骑上去,正如经上所记载的:
Jesus found an ass and sat upon it, as is written:
12:15 「熙雍女子,不要害怕!看,你的君王骑着驴驹来了!」
"Fear no more, O daughter Zion; see, your king comes, seated upon an ass’s colt."
12:16 起初他的门徒也没有明白这些事,然而,当耶稣受光荣以后,他们才想起这些话是指着他而记载的。为此,他们就这样对他做了。
His disciples did not understand this at first, but when Jesus had been glorified they remembered that these things were written about him and that they had done this for him.
12:17 当耶稣叫拉匝禄从坟墓中出来,由死者中唤起他时,那时同他在一起的众人,都为所见的作证;
So the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from death continued to testify.
12:18 因此,有一群人去迎接他,因为他们听说他行了这个神迹;
This was (also) why the crowd went to meet him, because they heard that he had done this sign.
12:19 于是法利塞人便彼此说:「看,你们一无所成!瞧,全世界都跟他去了。」
So the Pharisees said to one another, "You see that you are gaining nothing. Look, the whole world has gone after him."
12:20 在那些上来过节,崇拜天主的人中,有些希腊人。
Now there were some Greeks among those who had come up to worship at the feast.
12:21 他们来到加里肋亚贝特赛达人斐理伯前,请求他说:「先生!我们愿拜见耶稣。」
They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked him, "Sir, we would like to see Jesus."
12:22 斐理伯就去告诉安德肋,然后安德肋和斐理伯便来告诉耶稣。
Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.
12:23 耶稣开口向他们说:「人子要受光荣的时辰到了。
Jesus answered them, "The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
12:24 我实实在在告诉你们:一粒麦子如果不落在地里死了,仍只是一粒;如果死了,才结出许多子粒来。
Amen, amen, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.
12:25 爱惜自己性命的,必要丧失性命;在现世憎恨自己性命的,必要保存性命入于永生。
Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life.
12:26 谁若事奉我,就当跟随我;如此,我在那里,我的仆人也要在那里;谁若事奉我,我父必要尊重他。
Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.
12:27 现在我心神烦乱,我可说什么呢?我说:父啊!救我脱离这时辰罢?但正是为此,我才到了这时辰。
"I am troubled now. Yet what should I say? 'Father, save me from this hour'? But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour.
12:28 父啊!光荣你的名罢!」当时有声音来自天上:「我已光荣了我的名,我还要光荣。」
Father, glorify your name." Then a voice came from heaven, "I have glorified it and will glorify it again."
12:29 在场听见的群众,便说:「这是打雷。」另有人说:「是天使同他说话。」
The crowd there heard it and said it was thunder; but others said, "An angel has spoken to him."
12:30 耶稣回答说:「这声音不是为我而来,而是为你们。
Jesus answered and said, "This voice did not come for my sake but for yours.
12:31 现在就是这世界应受审判的时候,现在这世界的元首就要被赶出去;
Now is the time of judgment on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out.
12:32 至于我,当我从地上被举起来时,便要吸引众人来归向我。」
And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself."
12:33 他说这话,是要表明他要以怎样的死而死。
He said this indicating the kind of death he would die.
12:34 于是群众回答他说:「我们从法律上知道:默西亚要存留到永远;你怎么说:人子必须被举起呢?这个人子是谁?」
So the crowd answered him, "We have heard from the law that the Messiah remains forever. Then how can you say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?"
12:35 耶稣遂给他们说:「光在你们中间还有片刻。你们趁着还有光的时候,应该行走,免得黑暗笼罩了你们。那在黑暗中行走的,不知道往那里去。
Jesus said to them, "The light will be among you only a little while. Walk while you have the light, so that darkness may not overcome you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where he is going.
12:36 几时你们还有光,应当信从光,好成为光明之子。」耶稣讲完了这些话,就躲开他们,隐藏去了。
While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become children of the light." After he had said this, Jesus left and hid from them.
12:37 耶稣虽然在他们面前行了这么多的神迹,他们仍然不信他;
Although he had performed so many signs in their presence they did not believe in him,
12:38 这正应验了依撒意亚先知所说的话:『上主!有谁会相信我们的报道呢?上主的手臂又向谁显示了出来呢?』
in order that the word which Isaiah the prophet spoke might be fulfilled: "Lord, who has believed our preaching, to whom has the might of the Lord been revealed?"
12:39 他们不能信,因为依撒意亚又说过:
For this reason they could not believe, because again Isaiah said:
12:40 『上主使他们瞎了眼,使他们硬了心,免得他们眼睛看见,心里觉悟而悔改,使我治好他们。』
"He blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they might not see with their eyes and understand with their heart and be converted, and I would heal them."
12:41 依撒意亚因为看见了他的光荣,所以指着他讲了这话。
Isaiah said this because he saw his glory and spoke about him.
12:42 事虽如此,但在首领中,仍有许多人信从了耶稣,只为了法利塞人而不敢明认,免得被逐出会堂,
Nevertheless, many, even among the authorities, believed in him, but because of the Pharisees they did not acknowledge it openly in order not to be expelled from the synagogue.
12:43 因为他们喜爱世人的光荣,胜过天主的光荣。
For they preferred human praise to the glory of God.
12:44 耶稣呼喊说:「信我的,不是信我,而是信那派遣我来的;
Jesus cried out and said, "Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me,
12:45 看见我的,也就是看见那派遣我来的。
and whoever sees me sees the one who sent me.
12:46 我身为光明,来到了世界上,使凡信我的,不留在黑暗中。
I came into the world as light, so that everyone who believes in me might not remain in darkness.
12:47 无论谁,若听我的话而不遵行,我不审判他,因为我不是为审判世界而来,乃是为拯救世界。
And if anyone hears my words and does not observe them, I do not condemn him, for I did not come to condemn the world but to save the world.
12:48 拒绝我,及不接受我话的,自有审判他的:就是我所说的话,要在末日审判他。
Whoever rejects me and does not accept my words has something to judge him: the word that I spoke, it will condemn him on the last day,
12:49 因为我没有凭我自己说话,而是派遣我来的父,他给我出了命,叫我该说什么,该讲什么。
because I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and speak.
12:50 我知道他的命令就是永生;所以,我所讲论的,全是依照父对我所说的而讲论的。」
And I know that his commandment is eternal life. So what I say, I say as the Father told me."
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