
【户籍纪】第十五章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

15:1 上主训示梅瑟说:
The LORD said to Moses,
15:2 「你吩咐以色列子民说:你们进入了我赐给你们居住的地方时,
"Give the Israelites these instructions: When you have entered the land that I will give you for your homesteads,
15:3 如要以牛或羊献给上主作火祭,或作全燔祭,或作任何祭献,或为还愿,或出于自愿,或因逢节期,以之作为悦乐上主的馨香祭,
if you make to the LORD a sweet-smelling oblation from the herd or from the flock, in holocaust, in fulfillment of a vow, or as a freewill offering, or for one of your festivals,
15:4 献祭的人应给上主加献十分之一「厄法」细面,调和四分之一「辛」油,作为素祭。
whoever does so shall also present to the LORD a cereal offering consisting of a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a fourth of a hin of oil,
15:5 此外,为全燔祭或为任何祭献,还应奠上酒:为每只公羔羊,奠四分之一「辛」酒。
as well as a libation of a fourth of a hin of wine, with each lamb sacrificed in holocaust or otherwise.
15:6 如果是只公绵羊,应加献十分之二「厄法」细面,调和上三分之一「辛」油,作为素祭;
With each sacrifice of a ram you shall present a cereal offering of two tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a third of a hin of oil,
15:7 再奠上三分之一「辛」酒,作为悦乐上主的馨香祭。
and a libation of a third of a hin of wine, thus making a sweet-smelling offering to the LORD.
15:8 如果你以一只牛犊献作全燔祭或任何祭献,或为还愿,或献与上主作和平祭,
When you sacrifice an ox as a holocaust, or in fulfillment of a vow, or as a peace offering to the LORD,
15:9 除牛犊外,还应加献十分之三「厄法」细面,调和上半「辛」油,作为素祭;
with it you shall present a cereal offering of three tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with half a hin of oil,
15:10 再奠上半「辛」酒,作为悦乐上主的馨香火祭。
and a libation of half a hin of wine, as a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD.
15:11 每献一头公牛,或一只公绵羊,或一只公羔羊,或一只公山羊,都应照此而行;
The same is to be done for each ox, ram, lamb or goat.
15:12 你们所献的数目无论多少,为每一只都应照此而行。
Whatever the number you offer, do the same for each of them.
15:13 本地人不论谁,献悦乐上主的馨香火祭时,都应这样行。
"All the native-born shall make these offerings in the same way, whenever they present a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD.
15:14 几时一个与你们同住的,或与你们的后代同住的外方人,愿献悦乐上主的馨香火祭,你们怎样行,他也应怎样行。
Likewise, in any future generation, any alien residing with you permanently or for a time, who presents a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD, shall do as you do.
15:15 全会众,不论是为你们,或为与你们同住的外方人,只有一样的规定;这为你们世世代代,是一永远的规定:在上主面前你们与外方人一样;
There is but one rule for you and for the resident alien, a perpetual rule for all your descendants. Before the LORD you and the alien are alike,
15:16 为你们和与你们同住的外方人,只有一种法律,只有一种制度。」
with the same law and the same application of it for the alien residing among you as for yourselves."
15:17 上主训示梅瑟说:
The LORD said to Moses,
15:18 「你吩咐以色列子民说:几时你们进入了我引你们去的地方,
"Speak to the Israelites and tell them: When you enter the land into which I will bring you
15:19 吃那地方的食粮时,应拿一分献给上主作礼品:
and begin to eat of the food of that land, you shall offer the LORD a contribution
15:20 由初熟的麦面团中,献一个饼作礼品,有如奉献才从禾场打下之物一样。
consisting of a cake of your first batch of dough. You shall offer it just as you offer a contribution from the threshing floor.
15:21 你们世世代代,应从初熟麦面团中取出,献给上主作礼品。
Throughout your generations you shall give a contribution to the LORD from your first batch of dough.
15:22 如果你们误犯了过失,而没有遵行上主向梅瑟所吩咐的某条诫命,
"When through inadvertence you fail to carry out any of these commandments which the LORD gives to Moses,
15:23 即上主藉梅瑟向你们所吩咐的,由上主出命之日起,直到你们世世代代,
and through Moses to you, from the time the LORD first issues the commandment down through your generations:
15:24 那么,如果是会众出于无心误犯了过失,全会众应献一公牛犊当全燔祭,作为悦乐上主的馨香祭,并依照礼规献素祭和奠酒礼,再献一公山羊作赎罪祭。
if the community itself unwittingly becomes guilty of the fault of inadvertence, the whole community shall offer the holocaust of one young bull as a sweet-smelling oblation pleasing to the LORD, along with its prescribed cereal offering and libation, as well as one he-goat as a sin offering.
15:25 司祭应为以色列子民全会众行赎罪礼,他们即可获得赦免,因为这是无心之过。当他们为这无心之过,给上主奉献了火祭,并在上主面前献了赎罪祭后,
Then the priest shall make atonement for the whole Israelite community; thus they will be forgiven the inadvertence for which they have brought their holocaust as an oblation to the LORD.
15:26 以色列子民全会众以及住在你们中的外方人,都获得赦免,因为全人民犯了无心之过。
Not only the whole Israelite community, but also the aliens residing among you, shall be forgiven, since the fault of inadvertence affects all the people.
15:27 如果是一人出于无心犯了罪,应献一只一岁的母山羊作赎罪祭。
"However, if it is an individual who sins inadvertently, he shall bring a yearling she-goat as a sin offering,
15:28 司祭为这犯无心之过的人,在上主面前行赎罪礼,因为他由于无心犯了罪;为他行了赎罪礼,他即可获得赦免。
and the priest shall make atonement before the LORD for him who sinned inadvertently; when atonement has been made for him, he will be forgiven.
15:29 凡以色列子民,不拘是本地人或住在你们中的外方人,对误犯过失的人,只有一条法律。
You shall have but one law for him who sins inadvertently, whether he be a native Israelite or an alien residing with you.
15:30 但如果一人,不论是本地人,或是外方人,敢大胆妄为,侮辱上主,这人应由民间铲除;
"But anyone who sins defiantly, whether he be a native or an alien, insults the LORD, and shall be cut off from among his people.
15:31 因为他轻视了上主的话,违犯了他的诫命,这人应被除灭,应自负罪债。」
Since he has despised the word of the LORD and has broken his commandment, he must be cut off. He has only himself to blame."
15:32 以色列子民尚在旷野的时候,遇见一人在安息日拾柴,
While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was discovered gathering wood on the sabbath day.
15:33 遇见他拾柴的人,就带他到梅瑟及亚郎和全会众前;
Those who caught him at it brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly.
15:34 他们将他押在看守所内,因为尚未指明应如何处置他。
But they kept him in custody, for there was no clear decision as to what should be done with him.
15:35 那时上主对梅瑟说:「这人应处死刑,全会众应在营外用石头将他砸死。」
Then the LORD said to Moses, "This man shall be put to death; let the whole community stone him outside the camp."
15:36 全会众遂拉他到营外,用石头砸死他,照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的。
So the whole community led him outside the camp and stoned him to death, as the LORD had commanded Moses.
15:37 上主训示梅瑟说:
The LORD said to Moses,
15:38 「你吩咐以色列子民,命他们世世代代,在自己衣边上做上繸头;衣边的每个繸头,应用紫绳系着。
"Speak to the Israelites and tell them that they and their descendants must put tassels on the corners of their garments, fastening each corner tassel with a violet cord.
15:39 这繸头是为叫你们一看见,就想起上主的诫命,依照遵行,免得你们随从心中和眼目的欲望,而放纵淫乱。
When you use these tassels, let the sight of them remind you to keep all the commandments of the LORD, without going wantonly astray after the desires of your hearts and eyes.
15:40 这样,你们必对我的一切诫命,怀念不忘,依照遵行;这样在你们的天主面前,你们常是圣洁的。
Thus you will remember to keep all my commandments and be holy to your God.
15:41 我上主是你们的天主,我领你们出离埃及是为作你们的天主:我上主是你们的天主。」
I, the LORD, am your God who, as God, brought you out of Egypt that I, the LORD, may be your God."
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