
【宗徒大事录】第十九章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

19:1 阿颇罗在格林多的时候,保禄走遍了高原地带后,来到厄弗所,遇见了几个门徒,
While Apollos was in Corinth, Paul traveled through the interior of the country and came (down) to Ephesus where he found some disciples.
19:2 向他们说:「你们信教的时候,领了圣神没有﹖」他们回答说:「连有圣神,我们都没有听过。」
He said to them, "Did you receive the holy Spirit when you became believers?" They answered him, "We have never even heard that there is a holy Spirit."
19:3 保禄说:「那么,你们受的是什么洗,」他们说:「是若翰的洗」
He said, "How were you baptized?" They replied, "With the baptism of John."
19:4 保禄说:「若翰受的是悔改的洗,他告诉百姓要信在他以后要来的那一位,就是要信耶稣。」
Paul then said, "John baptized with a baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, in Jesus."
19:5 他们听了,就因主耶稣之名领了洗。
When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
19:6 保禄给他们覆手,圣神便降在他们身上,他们就讲各种语言,也说先知话。
And when Paul laid (his) hands on them, the holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied.
19:7 他们一共约有十二人。
Altogether there were about twelve men.
19:8 保禄进了会堂,放胆讲论,一连三个月,辩论天主之国的事,来劝化人。
He entered the synagogue, and for three months debated boldly with persuasive arguments about the kingdom of God.
19:9 但有些人心硬不信,在大众面前辱骂圣道,保禄便离开他们,把门徒分别出来,每天在提郎诺的学校里辩论;
But when some in their obstinacy and disbelief disparaged the Way before the assembly, he withdrew and took his disciples with him and began to hold daily discussions in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.
19:10 这事进行了两年,以致凡住在亚细亚的人,都听见了主的道理,犹太人希腊人都有。
This continued for two years with the result that all the inhabitants of the province of Asia heard the word of the Lord, Jews and Greeks alike.
19:11 天主借保禄的手,行了一些非常的奇事,
So extraordinary were the mighty deeds God accomplished at the hands of Paul
19:12 甚至有人拿去他身上的手巾和围裙,放在病人身上,疾病便离开他们,恶魔也出去了。
that when face cloths or aprons that touched his skin were applied to the sick, their diseases left them and the evil spirits came out of them.
19:13 那时,有几个周游的犹太驱魔者,擅自向附有恶魔的人,呼号主耶稣的名,说:「我因保禄所宣讲的耶稣,命你们出去!」
Then some itinerant Jewish exorcists tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those with evil spirits, saying, "I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches."
19:14 有个犹太司祭长,名叫斯盖瓦,他的七个儿子都作这事。
When the seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish high priest, tried to do this,
19:15 恶魔回答他们说:「耶稣我认识,保禄我也熟识;可是,你们是谁呀﹖」
the evil spirit said to them in reply, "Jesus I recognize, Paul I know, but who are you?"
19:16 于是那个身附恶魔的人,便扑到他们身上,而制服了他们,胜过了他们,以致他们赤着身子,带着伤,从那屋里逃走了。
The person with the evil spirit then sprang at them and subdued them all. He so overpowered them that they fled naked and wounded from that house.
19:17 凡住在厄弗所的犹太人和希腊人,知道了这事,就都害怕起来;主耶稣的名字也传扬开了。
When this became known to all the Jews and Greeks who lived in Ephesus, fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in great esteem.
19:18 信教的人中,有许多来承认,并报告自己以往所行的事;
Many of those who had become believers came forward and openly acknowledged their former practices.
19:19 其中有好些曾行过巫术的人,把书籍一起带来,当着众人的面烧毁了;他们估计书价,得知共值五万银币。
Moreover, a large number of those who had practiced magic collected their books and burned them in public. They calculated their value and found it to be fifty thousand silver pieces.
19:20 这样,主的道理大为发扬,日渐坚固。
Thus did the word of the Lord continue to spread with influence and power.
19:21 这些事以后,保禄决意要经过马其顿和阿哈雅往耶路撒冷去,说:「我在到那里以后,也该看看罗马。」
When this was concluded, Paul made up his mind to travel through Macedonia and Achaia, and then to go on to Jerusalem, saying, "After I have been there, I must visit Rome also."
19:22 就打发他的两位助手,弟茂德和厄辣斯托,往马其顿去,自己暂时留在亚细亚。
Then he sent to Macedonia two of his assistants, Timothy and Erastus, while he himself stayed for a while in the province of Asia.
19:23 在那时候,关于主的道,起了不小的骚动。
About that time a serious disturbance broke out concerning the Way.
19:24 原来有个名叫德默特琉的银匠,制造阿尔特米的银龛,使工匠们获利不少。
There was a silversmith named Demetrius who made miniature silver shrines of Artemis and provided no little work for the craftsmen.
19:25 他把他们和同业的工人集合起来说:「同人们!你们知道:我们是靠这手艺发财的。
He called a meeting of these and other workers in related crafts and said, "Men, you know well that our prosperity derives from this work.
19:26 你们看见,也听到:这个保禄,不仅在厄弗所,而且几乎在整个亚细亚劝服了许多人,说:『人手制造的,并不是神。』
As you can now see and hear, not only in Ephesus but throughout most of the province of Asia this Paul has persuaded and misled a great number of people by saying that gods made by hands are not gods at all.
19:27 这不但使我们这分行业,有遭人唾弃的危险,而且连伟大女神阿尔特米的庙,也要被视为无物,甚至整个亚细亚和天下所敬拜的女神的尊威,也将被消灭。」
The danger grows, not only that our business will be discredited, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be of no account, and that she whom the whole province of Asia and all the world worship will be stripped of her magnificence."
19:28 他们听了,满怀怒气,喊着说:「大哉!厄弗所人的阿尔特米!」
When they heard this, they were filled with fury and began to shout, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!"
19:29 于是满城混乱起来,他们捉住了保禄的旅伴马其顿人加约及阿黎斯塔苛,一起冲到剧场。
The city was filled with confusion, and the people rushed with one accord into the theater, seizing Gaius and Aristarchus, the Macedonians, Paul’s traveling companions.
19:30 保禄愿意,进去会见民众,可是门徒们不让他去;
Paul wanted to go before the crowd, but the disciples would not let him,
19:31 还有几位亚细亚的首长,是他的朋友,也打发人到他那里,劝他不要冒险到剧场去。
and even some of the Asiarchs who were friends of his sent word to him advising him not to venture into the theater.
19:32 当时众人乱叫乱嚷,的确是一个混乱的集会,大多数都不知道为了什么而聚会。
Meanwhile, some were shouting one thing, others something else; the assembly was in chaos, and most of the people had no idea why they had come together.
19:33 群众中有些人推举出亚历山大来,犹太人就推他上前;亚历山大就挥了挥手,要想向民众分辩。
Some of the crowd prompted Alexander, as the Jews pushed him forward, and Alexander signaled with his hand that he wished to explain something to the gathering.
19:34 可是众人一认出他是犹太人来,就都同声呼喊:「大哉!厄弗所人的阿尔特米!」约两小时之久。
But when they recognized that he was a Jew, they all shouted in unison, for about two hours, "Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!"
19:35 书记官使群众安静下来,说:「厄弗所人啊!谁不知道厄弗所人的城,是伟大阿尔特米的庙,和那从天降下的神像的看守者呢﹖
Finally the town clerk restrained the crowd and said, "You Ephesians, what person is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis and of her image that fell from the sky?
19:36 这些事既不能反驳,你们就该镇静,不要冒昧从事。
Since these things are undeniable, you must calm yourselves and not do anything rash.
19:37 你们带来的这些人,既不是亵圣者,也没有出言侮辱我们的女神;
The men you brought here are not temple robbers, nor have they insulted our goddess.
19:38 所以,如果德默特琉和他同业的工匠,有什么案件反对某人,有诉讼期,又有总督在,他们尽可彼此对告。
If Demetrius and his fellow craftsmen have a complaint against anyone, courts are in session, and there are proconsuls. Let them bring charges against one another.
19:39 但你们若还要求什么余外的事,可以在法定的集会里解决。
If you have anything further to investigate, let the matter be settled in the lawful assembly,
19:40 关于今天的事,我们实在有被控作乱的危险,因为这本是无缘无故的;我们对这事,对这次集会,也不能指出理由来。」他说了这些话,才把集会遣散了。
for, as it is, we are in danger of being charged with rioting because of today’s conduct. There is no cause for it. We shall (not) be able to give a reason for this demonstration." With these words he dismissed the assembly.
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