
【户籍纪】第二十二章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

22:1 以色列子民再起程出发,在约旦东边的摩阿布旷野中,对着耶里哥城扎了营。
Then the Israelites moved on and encamped in the plains of Moab on the other side of the Jericho stretch of the Jordan.
22:2 漆颇尔的儿子巴拉克,见了以色列对阿摩黎人所做的一切;
Now Balak, son of Zippor, saw all that Israel did to the Amorites.
22:3 摩阿布人十分怕这民族,因为他们众多;摩阿布人对以色列子民大起恐慌,
Indeed, Moab feared the Israelites greatly because of their numbers, and detested them.
22:4 于是对米德扬的长老说:「现在这些人要吞并我们四周的一切,有如牛吃尽田间的青草。」漆颇尔的儿子巴拉克,其时正是摩阿布的君王,
So Moab said to the elders of Midian, "Soon this horde will devour all the country around us as an ox devours the grass of the field." And Balak, Zippor’s son, who was king of Moab at that time,
22:5 遂遣使者往幼发拉的河阿玛伍人之地的培托尔去,见贝敖尔的儿子巴郎,请他说:「看,由埃及来了一个民族,遮盖了地面,现今正住在我的对面。
sent messengers to Balaam, son of Beor, at Pethor on the Euphrates, in the land of the Amawites, summoning him with these words, "A people has come here from Egypt who now cover the face of the earth and are settling down opposite us!
22:6 现在请你来,替我咒骂这民族,因为他们比我强大,或许这样我能将他们击败,从此地赶走;因为我知道,你祝福的,必蒙祝福;你咒骂的,必蒙咒骂。」
Please come and curse this people for us; they are stronger than we are. We may then be able to defeat them and drive them out of the country. For I know that whoever you bless is blessed and whoever you curse is cursed."
22:7 摩阿布和米德扬的长老于是带着卜金去了;到了巴郎那里,将巴拉克的话告诉了他。
Then the elders of Moab and of Midian left with the divination fee in hand and went to Balaam. When they had given him Balak’s message,
22:8 他回答他们说:「今夜你们在这里过夜,我要依照上主吩咐我的话答复你们。」这样,摩阿布的缙绅就在巴郎那里住下了。
he said to them in reply, "Stay here overnight, and I will give you whatever answer the LORD gives me." So the princes of Moab lodged with Balaam.
22:9 天主来到巴郎那里说:「与你在一起的是些什么人﹖」
Then God came to Balaam and said, "Who are these men visiting you?"
22:10 巴郎答复天主说:「是摩阿布的君王,漆颇尔的儿子巴拉克,打发些人来告诉我说:
Balaam answered God, "Balak, son of Zippor, king of Moab, sent me the message:
22:11 看,从埃及来了一个民族,遮盖了地面,现在请你来替我咒骂他们,使我或许能与他们交战,将他们驱逐。」
’this people that came here from Egypt now cover the face of the earth. Please come and lay a curse on them for us; we may then be able to give them battle and drive them out.'"
22:12 天主对巴郎说:「你不可与他们同去,你不可咒骂这民族,因为他们是受祝福的。」
But God said to Balaam, "Do not go with them and do not curse this people, for they are blessed."
22:13 巴郎早晨起来就对巴拉克的缙绅说:「你们回本国去吧!因为上主不许我同你们一起去。」
The next morning Balaam arose and told the princes of Balak, "Go back to your own country, for the LORD has refused to let me go with you."
22:14 摩阿布的缙绅就起身回到巴拉克那里说:「巴郎不愿同我们一起来。」
So the princes of Moab went back to Balak with the report, "Balaam refused to come with us."
22:15 巴拉克于是又派比以前更多更尊贵的缙绅去。
Balak again sent princes, who were more numerous and more distinguished than the others.
22:16 他们去见巴郎,对他说:「漆颇尔的儿子巴拉克这样说:请你不要推辞到我这里来,
On coming to Balaam they told him, "This is what Balak, son of Zippor, has to say: Please do not refuse to come to me.
22:17 因为我必丰富地酬谢你。凡你要的,我都照办;只要你前来,替我咒骂这民族。」
I will reward you very handsomely and will do anything you ask of me. Please come and lay a curse on this people for me."
22:18 巴郎答复巴拉克的使臣说:「既使巴拉克给我满屋的金银,我也不能做任何大小的事,违犯上主我天主的命令。
But Balaam replied to Balak’s officials, "Even if Balak gave me his house full of silver and gold, I could not do anything, small or great, contrary to the command of the LORD, my God.
22:19 现在,请你们今夜也在这里住下,看看上主还要对我说什么。」
But, you too shall stay here overnight, till I learn what else the LORD may tell me."
22:20 夜间天主来到巴郎那里,对他说:「这些人既然来邀请你,你就起身同他们去吧!但是你只应做我吩咐你的事。」
That night God came to Balaam and said to him, "If these men have come to summon you, you may go with them; yet only on the condition that you do exactly as I tell you."
22:21 巴郎早晨起来,备好驴,就同摩阿布的缙绅一起去了。
So the next morning when Balaam arose, he saddled his ass, and went off with the princes of Moab.
22:22 因为他起身走了,天主发了怒;上主的使者在路上挡住他的去路。当时他骑着驴,还有两个僮仆跟着。
But now the anger of God flared up at him for going, and the angel of the LORD stationed himself on the road to hinder him as he was riding along on his ass, accompanied by two of his servants.
22:23 那驴一看见上主的使者,持着拔出的刀站在路上,就离开正路,走入田中去了。巴郎便鞭打那驴,要它回到路上。
When the ass saw the angel of the LORD standing on the road with sword drawn, she turned off the road and went into the field, and Balaam had to beat her to bring her back on the road.
22:24 以后,上主的使者又站在葡萄园间的窄路上,两面有墙。
Then the angel of the LORD took his stand in a narrow lane between vineyards with a stone wall on each side.
22:25 那驴一见上主的使者,就紧靠着墙,将巴郎的脚挤在墙上,他又打了那驴。
When the ass saw the angel of the LORD there, she shrank against the wall; and since she squeezed Balaam’s leg against it, he beat her again.
22:26 上主的使者又往前行,站在窄狭的地方,左右无路可走,
The angel of the LORD then went ahead, and stopped next in a passage so narrow that there was no room to move either to the right or to the left.
22:27 那驴又见上主的使者,遂趴在巴郎下;巴郎大怒,用棍杖打那驴。
When the ass saw the angel of the LORD there, she cowered under Balaam. So, in anger, he again beat the ass with his stick.
22:28 上主遂开了驴的口,对巴郎说:「我对你做了什么﹖你竟三次打我﹖」
But now the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she asked Balaam, "What have I done to you that you should beat me these three times?"
22:29 巴郎回答那驴说:「因为你玩弄我。我若手中有刀,早杀了你。」
"You have acted so willfully against me," said Balaam to the ass, "that if I but had a sword at hand, I would kill you here and now."
22:30 那驴对巴郎说:「我不是你从起初直到今日骑的驴吗﹖平常我是否对你这样做﹖」他回答说:「不。」
But the ass said to Balaam, "Am I not your own beast, and have you not always ridden upon me until now? Have I been in the habit of treating you this way before?" "No," replied Balaam.
22:31 上主遂开了巴郎的眼,使他看见上主的使者,手持拔出的刀站在路上,他就躬身俯伏在地。
Then the LORD removed the veil from Balaam’s eyes, so that he too saw the angel of the LORD standing on the road with sword drawn; and he fell on his knees and bowed to the ground.
22:32 上主的使者对他说:「你为什么三次打你的驴﹖看,是我出来挡路,因为你走的这路,在我面前是邪路。
But the angel of the LORD said to him, "Why have you beaten your ass these three times? It is I who have come armed to hinder you because this rash journey of yours is directly opposed to me.
22:33 驴看见了我,就在我面前回避了三次;幸亏它回避了我,不然我早杀了你,只留下了它。」
When the ass saw me, she turned away from me these three times. If she had not turned away from me, I would have killed you; her I would have spared."
22:34 巴郎于是对上主的使者说:「我犯了罪,因为我不知道是你站在路上阻拦我。现在,如果你以为不对,我就回去好了。」
Then Balaam said to the angel of the LORD, "I have sinned. Yet I did not know that you stood against me to oppose my journey. Since it has displeased you, I will go back home."
22:35 上主的使者对巴郎说:「你同这些人去吧!但是你只应说我吩咐你的话。」巴郎于是同巴拉克的缙绅一起去了。
But the angel of the LORD said to Balaam, "Go with the men; but you may say only what I tell you." So Balaam went on with the princes of Balak.
22:36 巴拉克听说巴郎来了,就到阿尔摩阿布──此城临近阿尔农河边,在国界的尽头,──去迎接他。
When Balak heard that Balaam was coming, he went out to meet him at the boundary city Ir-Moab on the Arnon at the end of the Moabite territory.
22:37 巴拉克对巴郎说:「我不是派遗了使者去请你﹖你为什么不到我这里来,莫非我不能酬报你﹖」
And he said to Balaam, "I sent an urgent summons to you! Why did you not come to me? Did you think I could not reward you?"
22:38 巴郎答复巴拉克说:「看,我已到你这里来了,但我能随便说什么吗﹖我只能说天主吩咐我说的话。」
Balaam answered him, "Well, I have come to you after all. But what power have I to say anything? I can speak only what God puts in my mouth."
22:39 巴郎遂同巴拉克起身,来到了克黎雅特胡祚特。
Then Balaam went with Balak, and they came to Kiriath-huzoth.
22:40 巴拉克杀了牛羊,馈送给巴郎和同他在一起的缙绅。
Here Balak slaughtered oxen and sheep, and sent portions to Balaam and to the princes who were with him.
22:41 到了次日早晨,巴拉克领巴郎上了巴摩特巴耳去,从那里能看到一部分以色列人民。
The next morning Balak took Balaam up on Bamoth-baal, and from there he saw some of the clans.
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