
【宗徒大事录】第二十三章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

23:1 保禄注视公议会说:「诸位仁人弟兄!我在天主前,作事为人,全凭纯善的良心,直到今天。」
Paul looked intently at the Sanhedrin and said, "My brothers, I have conducted myself with a perfectly clear conscience before God to this day."
23:2 大司祭阿纳尼雅却命站在旁边的人打他的嘴。
The high priest Ananias ordered his attendants to strike his mouth.
23:3 那时,保禄向他说:「粉白的墙啊!天主将要打击你;你坐下审判我,应按照法律,你竟违反法律,下令打我吗﹖」
Then Paul said to him, "God will strike you, you whitewashed wall. Do you indeed sit in judgment upon me according to the law and yet in violation of the law order me to be struck?"
23:4 旁边站着的人说:「你竟敢辱骂天主的大司祭吗﹖」
The attendants said, "Would you revile God’s high priest?"
23:5 保禄说:「弟兄们!我原不知道他是大司祭,因为经上记载说:『不可诅咒你百姓的首长。』」
Paul answered, "Brothers, I did not realize he was the high priest. For it is written, 'You shall not curse a ruler of your people.'"
23:6 保禄一看出他们一部份是撒杜塞人,另一部份是法利塞人,就在公议会中喊说:「诸位仁人弟兄!我是法利塞人,是法利塞人的儿子,我是为了希望死者的复活,现在受审。」
Paul was aware that some were Sadducees and some Pharisees, so he called out before the Sanhedrin, "My brothers, I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees; (I) am on trial for hope in the resurrection of the dead."
23:7 他说了这话,法利塞人和撒杜塞人便起了争辩,会众就分裂了。
When he said this, a dispute broke out between the Pharisees and Sadducees, and the group became divided.
23:8 原来撒杜塞人说没有复活,也没有天使,也没有神灵;法利塞人却样样都承认。
For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection or angels or spirits, while the Pharisees acknowledge all three.
23:9 于是喧嚷大起,有几个法利塞党的经师起来力争说:「我们在这人身上找不出一点过错来;或者有神灵或天使同他说了话!」
A great uproar occurred, and some scribes belonging to the Pharisee party stood up and sharply argued, "We find nothing wrong with this man. Suppose a spirit or an angel has spoken to him?"
23:10 争辩越来越大,千夫长怕保禄被他们撕裂,便命军队下来,把保禄从他们中间抢出来,带到营里去了。
The dispute was so serious that the commander, afraid that Paul would be torn to pieces by them, ordered his troops to go down and rescue him from their midst and take him into the compound.
23:11 次夜,主显现给保禄说:「你放心罢!你怎样在耶路撒冷为我作证,也该怎样在罗马为我作证。」
The following night the Lord stood by him and said, "Take courage. For just as you have borne witness to my cause in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness in Rome."
23:12 天一亮,犹太人共商阴谋,发自诅的誓说:「不杀了保禄,决不吃不喝。」
When day came, the Jews made a plot and bound themselves by oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul.
23:13 发这誓的有四十多人;
There were more than forty who formed this conspiracy.
23:14 这些人来到司祭长及长老前说:「我们发了自诅的誓,不杀了保禄,什么也不吃。
They went to the chief priests and elders and said, "We have bound ourselves by a solemn oath to taste nothing until we have killed Paul.
23:15 所以,你们同公议会现在要通知千夫长,带保禄下到你们这里,你们假装要更详细审讯他的事;我们早准备好,在他来到你们这里以前,就杀掉他。」
You, together with the Sanhedrin, must now make an official request to the commander to have him bring him down to you, as though you meant to investigate his case more thoroughly. We on our part are prepared to kill him before he arrives."
23:16 可是,保禄姊妹的儿子,听到了这种诡计,就来到营里,报告给保禄。
The son of Paul’s sister, however, heard about the ambush; so he went and entered the compound and reported it to Paul.
23:17 保禄就叫来一个百夫长说:「请领这个青年到千夫长那里去,他有事要向他报告。」
Paul then called one of the centurions and requested, "Take this young man to the commander; he has something to report to him."
23:18 于是百夫长就带他到千夫长那里说:「囚犯保禄叫我去,求我把这个青年领到你这里来,他有事要告诉你。」
So he took him and brought him to the commander and explained, "The prisoner Paul called me and asked that I bring this young man to you; he has something to say to you."
23:19 千夫长拉着他的手,走到一边,私下询问说:「你有什么事要向我报告﹖」
The commander took him by the hand, drew him aside, and asked him privately, "What is it you have to report to me?"
23:20 他说:「犹太人已约定请求你,明天把保禄带下去,到公议会里,假装要更详细查问他的事。
He replied, "The Jews have conspired to ask you to bring Paul down to the Sanhedrin tomor row, as though they meant to inquire about him more thoroughly,
23:21 所以你切不要听从他们,因为他们中有四十多人埋伏着等待保禄,这些人已发了自诅的誓,非杀掉他,决不吃不喝;现在他们已准备好,只等候你的应允。」
but do not believe them. More than forty of them are lying in wait for him; they have bound themselves by oath not to eat or drink until they have killed him. They are now ready and only wait for your consent."
23:22 于是千夫长便打发那青年走了,并吩咐他说:「不要向任何人说你将这事报告给我了。」
As the commander dismissed the young man he directed him, "Tell no one that you gave me this information."
23:23 千夫长遂叫来了两个百夫长说:「预备二百士兵,七十骑兵,二百长枪手,今夜第三时辰,往凯撒勒雅去,
Then he summoned two of the centurions and said, "Get two hundred soldiers ready to go to Caesarea by nine o'clock tonight, along with seventy horsemen and two hundred auxiliaries.
23:24 并备妥牲口,叫保禄骑上,把他平安护送到斐理斯总督那里。」
Provide mounts for Paul to ride and give him safe conduct to Felix the governor."
23:25 他写了一封这样的信:
Then he wrote a letter with this content:
23:26 「喀劳狄里息雅向总督斐理斯钧座请安。
"Claudius Lysias to his excellency the governor Felix, greetings.
23:27 这人为犹太人拿住,快要被他们杀掉时,我听说他是罗马人,就带军队到场,把他救出。
This man, seized by the Jews and about to be murdered by them, I rescued after intervening with my troops when I learned that he was a Roman citizen.
23:28 我想要知道他们所以控告他的缘由,就带他下到他们的公议会去。
I wanted to learn the reason for their accusations against him so I brought him down to their Sanhedrin.
23:29 得知他被控告,是为了他们的法律问题,并没有任何该死或该监禁的罪行。
I discovered that he was accused in matters of controversial questions of their law and not of any charge deserving death or imprisonment.
23:30 有人告知我,将有阴谋陷害他。我便立刻打发他到你这里来,并吩咐原告到你面前控诉他。祝你安好!」
Since it was brought to my attention that there will be a plot against the man, I am sending him to you at once, and have also notified his accusers to state (their case) against him before you."
23:31 于是士兵照所命令的,夜间带领保禄到了安提帕特;
So the soldiers, according to their orders, took Paul and escorted him by night to Antipatris.
23:32 第二天,让骑兵跟保禄同去,别的就回到营里。
The next day they re turned to the compound, leaving the horsemen to complete the journey with him.
23:33 他们进了凯撒勒雅,把信呈给总督,并引保禄到他面前。
When they arrived in Caesarea they delivered the letter to the governor and presented Paul to him.
23:34 总督读了信,便问保禄是那一省的人;既查知他是基里基雅人,
When he had read it and asked to what province he belonged, and learned that he was from Cilicia,
23:35 便说:「等控告你的人来到,我再听审你。」遂下令把保禄看守在黑落德王府里。
he said, "I shall hear your case when your accusers arrive." Then he ordered that he be held in custody in Herod’s praetorium.
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