
【户籍纪】第二十六章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

26:1 这次灾祸以后,上主对梅瑟和大司祭亚郎的儿子厄肋阿匝尔说:
the LORD said to Moses and Eleazar; son of Aaron the priest,
26:2 「你们应将以色列子民全会众,凡二十岁以上,在以色列中能上阵作战的,按家族再行登记。
"Take a census, by ancestral houses, throughout the community of the Israelites of all those of twenty years or more who are fit for military service in Israel."
26:3 梅瑟和司祭厄肋阿匝尔,就在约旦河边耶里哥的对面,摩阿布旷野内,
So on the plains of Moab along the Jericho stretch of the Jordan, Moses and the priest Eleazar registered
26:4 统计了二十岁以上的人,照上主对梅瑟所吩咐的。
those of twenty years or more, as the LORD had commanded Moses. The Israelites who came out of the land of Egypt were as follows:
26:5 以色列的长子勒乌本:勒乌本的子孙:属哈诺客人的,有哈诺客家族;属帕路的,有帕路家族;
Of Reuben, the first-born of Israel, the Reubenites by clans were: through Hanoch the clan of the Hanochites, through Pallu the clan of the Palluites,
26:6 属赫兹龙的,有赫兹龙家族;属加尔米的,有加尔米家族:
through Hezron the clan of the Hezronites, through Carmi the clan of the Carmites.
26:7 以上是勒乌本家族,登记的人数,共计四万三千七百三十。
These were the clans of the Reubenites, of whom forty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty men were registered.
26:8 帕路的子孙:厄里雅布。
From Pallu descended Eliab,
26:9 厄里雅布的儿子是乃慕耳、达堂和阿彼兰。达堂和阿彼兰原是会众推选的人,在科辣黑党派违背上主时,起来反抗梅瑟和亚郎。
and the descendants of Eliab were Dathan and Abiram-the same Dathan and Abiram, councilors of the community, who revolted against Moses and Aaron (like Korah’s band when it rebelled against the LORD).
26:10 当时地裂开了口,将他们同科辣黑吞了下去;同时有火烧死了二百五十人:这样全党都消灭了,作为后人的鉴戒。
The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them as a warning (Korah too and the band that died when the fire consumed two hundred and fifty men.
26:11 但是科辣黑的儿子们却没有死亡。
The descendents of Korah, however, did not die out).
26:12 西默盎的子孙:按照家族属乃慕耳的,乃慕耳家族:属雅明的,有雅明家族:属雅津的,有雅津家族;
The Simeonites by clans were: through Nemuel the clan of the Nemuelites, through Jamin the clan of the Jaminites, through Jachin the clan of the Jachinites,
26:13 属则辣黑的,有则辣黑家族;属沙乌耳的,有沙乌耳家族:
through Sohar the clan of the Soharites, through Shaul the clan of the Shaulites.
26:14 以上是西默盎家族,人数共计二万二千二百。
These were the clans of the Simeonites, of whom twenty-two thousand two hundred men were registered.
26:15 加得的子孙:按照家族,属责丰的,有责丰家族;属哈基的,有哈基家族;属叔尼的,有叔尼家族,
The Gadites by clans were: through Zephon the clan of the Zephonites, through Haggi the clan of the Haggites, through Shuni the clan of the Shunites,
26:16 属敖次尼的,有敖次尼家族;属厄黎的,有厄黎家族;
through Ozni the clan of the Oznites, through Eri the clan of the Erites,
26:17 属阿洛得的,有阿洛得家族;属阿勒里的,有阿勒里家族:
through Arod the clan of the Arodites, through Areli the clan of the Arelites.
26:18 以上是加得子孙的家族,登记的人数共计四万五百。
These were the clans of the Gadites, of whom forty thousand five hundred men were registered.
26:19 犹大的儿子:厄尔和敖难。厄尔和敖难死在客纳罕地。
The sons of Judah who died in the land of Canaan were Er and Onan.
26:20 犹大的子孙:按照家族:属舍拉的,有舍拉家族;属培勒兹的,有培勒兹家族;属则辣黑的,有则辣黑家族。
The Judahites by clans were: through Shelah the clan of the Shelahites, through Perez the clan of the Perezites, through Zerah the clan of the Zerahites.
26:21 培肋勒兹的子孙:属赫兹龙的,有赫兹龙家族;属哈慕耳的,有哈慕耳家族:
The Perezites were: through Hezron the clan of the Hezronites, through Hamul the clan of the Hamulites.
26:22 以上是犹大家族,登记的人数,共计七万六千五百。
These were the clans of Judah, of whom seventy-six thousand five hundred men were registered.
26:23 依撒加尔的子孙:按照家族,属托拉的,有托拉家族;属普瓦的,有普瓦家族;
The Issacharites by clans were: through Tola the clan of the Tolaites, through Puvah the clan of the Puvahites,
26:24 属雅叔布的,有雅叔布家族;属史默龙的,有史默龙家族:
through Jashub the clan of the Jashubites, through Shimron the clan of the Shimronites.
26:25 以上是依撒加尔家族,登记人数共计六万四千三百。
These were the clans of Issachar, of whom sixty-four thousand three hundred men were registered.
26:26 则步隆的子孙:依照家族,属色勒得的,有色勒得家族;属厄隆的,有厄隆家族;属雅赫肋耳的,有雅赫肋耳家族:
The Zebulunites by clans were: through Sered the clan of the Seredites, through Elon the clan of the Elonites, through Jahleel the clan of the Jahleelites.
26:27 以上是则步隆家族,登记的人数,共计六万五百。
These were the clans of the Zebulunites, of whom sixty thousand five hundred men were registered.
26:28 若瑟的子孙:依照家族,有默纳协族和厄弗辣因族。
The sons of Joseph were Manasseh and Ephraim.
26:29 默纳协的子孙:属玛基尔的,有玛基尔家族;玛基尔生了基肋阿得,属基肋阿得的,有基肋阿得家族。
The Manassehites by clans were: through Machir the clan of the Machirites, through Gilead, a descendant of Machir, the clan of the Gileadites.
26:30 以下是基肋阿得的子孙:属耶则尔的,有则尔家族;属赫肋克的,有赫肋克家族;
The Gileadites were: through Abiezer the clan of the Abiezrites, through Helek the clan of the Helekites,
26:31 属阿斯黎耳的,有阿斯黎耳家族;属舍根的,有舍根家族;
through Asriel the clan of the Asrielites, through Shechem the clan of the Shechemites,
26:32 属舍米达的,有舍米达家族;属赫斐尔的,有赫斐尔家族。
through Shemida the clan of the Shemidaites, through Hepher the clan of the Hepherites.
26:33 赫斐尔的儿子责罗斐哈得没有儿子,只有女儿;责罗斐哈得的女儿的名字是:玛赫拉、诺阿、曷革拉、米耳加和提尔匝:
Zelophehad, son of Hepher, had no sons, but only daughters, whose names were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah and Tirzah.
26:34 以上是默纳协家族,登记的人数共计五万二千七百。
These were the clans of Manasseh, of whom fifty-two thousand seven hundred men were registered.
26:35 以下是厄弗辣因的子孙:按照家族,属叔特拉的,有叔特拉家族;属贝革尔的,有贝革尔家族;属塔罕的,有塔罕家族。
The Ephraimites by clans were: through Shuthelah the clan of the Shuthelahites, through Becher the clan of the Bechrites, through Tahan the clan of the Tahanites.
26:36 以下是叔特拉的子孙:属厄兰的,有厄兰家族。
The Shuthelahites were: through Eran the clan of the Eranites.
26:37 以上是厄弗辣因子孙家族,登记的人数共计三万二千五百:以上按照家族,都是若瑟的子孙。
These were the clans of the Ephraimites, of whom thirty-two thousand five hundred men were registered. These were the descendants of Joseph by clans.
26:38 本雅明的子孙:按照家族,属贝拉的,有贝拉家族;属阿市贝耳的,有阿市贝耳家族;属阿希兰的,有阿希兰家族;
The Benjaminites by clans were: through Bela the clan of the Belaites, through Ashbel the clan of the Ashbelites, through Ahiram the clan of the Ahiramites,
26:39 属舍孚番的,有舍孚番家族;属胡番的,有胡番家族。
through Shupham the clan of the Shuphamites, through Hupham the clan of the Huphamites.
26:40 贝拉的儿子是阿尔德和纳阿曼。属阿尔德的,有阿尔德家族;属纳阿曼的,有纳阿曼家族;
The descendants of Bela were Arad and Naaman: through Arad the clan of the Aradites, through Naaman the clan of the Naamanites.
26:41 按照家族,这些都是本雅明的子孙,登记的人数共计四万五千六百。
These were the Benjaminites by clans, of whom forty-five thousand six hundred men were registered.
26:42 以下是丹的子孙:按照家族,属叔罕的,有叔罕家族;按照家族,这是丹的家族。
The Danites by clans were: through Shuham the clan of the Shuhamites. These were the clans of Dan,
26:43 叔罕全家族登记的人数,共计六万四千四百。
of whom sixty-four thousand four hundred men were registered.
26:44 阿协尔的子孙:按照家族,属依默纳的,有依默纳家族;属依市伟的,有依市伟家族;属贝黎雅的,有贝黎雅家族。
The Asherites by clans were: through Imnah the clan of the Imnites, through Ishvi the clan of the Ishvites, through Beriah the clan of the Beriites,
26:45 贝黎雅的子孙:属赫贝尔的,有赫贝尔家族;属有玛耳基耳的,有玛耳基耳家族。
through Heber the clan of the Heberites, through Malchiel the clan of the Malchielites.
26:46 阿协尔的女儿的名字是色辣黑。
The name of Asher’s daughter was Serah.
26:47 以上是阿协尔子孙家族,登记的人数共计五万三千四百。
These were the clans of Asher, of whom fifty-three thousand four hundred men were registered.
26:48 纳斐塔里的子孙:按照家族,属雅赫责耳的,有雅赫责耳家族;属古尼的,有古尼家族;
The Naphtalites by clans were: through Jahzeel the clan of the Jahzeelites, through Guni the clan of the Gunites,
26:49 属耶责耳的,有耶责耳家族;属史冷的,有史冷家族;
through Jezer the clan of the Jezerites, through Shillem the clan of the Shillemites.
26:50 按照家族,这些都是纳斐塔里家族,他们登记的人数共计四万五千四百。
These were the clans of Naphtali, of whom forty-five thousand four hundred men were registered.
26:51 以色列登记的人数共计六十万一千七百三十。
These six hundred and one thousand seven hundred and thirty were the Israelites who were registered.
26:52 上主训示梅瑟说:
The LORD said to Moses,
26:53 「你应照登记的名额,将土地分配给他们作为产业:
"Among these groups the land shall be divided as their heritage in keeping with the number of individuals in each group.
26:54 人数多的应多给,人数少的应少给;各依照登记的名额分配产业。
To a large group you shall assign a large heritage, to a small group a small heritage, each group receiving its heritage in proportion to the number of men registered in it.
26:55 但还应抽签来分配土地,各按宗族支系的名字领取产业。
But the land shall be divided by lot, as the heritage of the various ancestral tribes.
26:56 看人数的多寡,来抽签,给他们分配产业。」
As the lot falls shall each group, large or small, be assigned its heritage."
26:57 以下是按照家族登记的肋未人:属革尔雄的,有革尔雄家族;属刻哈特的,有刻哈特家族;属默辣黎的,有默辣黎家族。
The Levites registered by clans were: through Gershon the clan of the Gershonites, through Kohath the clan of the Kohathites, through Merari the clan of the Merarites.
26:58 以下是肋未的家族:里贝尼家族,赫贝龙家族,玛赫里家族,慕史家族,科辣黑家族。刻哈特生了阿默兰;
These also were clans of Levi: the clan of the Libnites, the clan of the Hebronites, the clan of the Mahlites, the clan of the Mushites, the clan of the Korahites. Among the descendants of Kohath was Amram,
26:59 阿默兰的妻子名叫约革贝得,是肋未的女儿,她在埃及出生,给阿默兰生了亚郎、梅瑟和他们的姊妹米黎盎。
whose wife was named Jochebed. She also was of the tribe of Levi, born to the tribe in Egypt. To Amram she bore Aaron and Moses and their sister Miriam.
26:60 亚郎生了纳达布、阿彼胡、厄肋阿匝尔和依塔玛尔
To Aaron were born Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.
26:61 纳达布和阿彼胡在上主面前献了凡火,遭遇了死亡。
But Nadab and Abihu died when they offered profane fire before the LORD.
26:62 凡一月以上的男子,登记共计二万三千;他们没有登记在以色列子民的数目内,因为在以色列子民中没有分得产业。
The total number of male Levites one month or more of age, who were registered, was twenty-three thousand. They were not registered with the other Israelites, however, for no heritage was given them among the Israelites.
26:63 这是梅瑟和司祭厄肋阿匝尔,在约旦河边,耶利哥的对面,摩阿布旷野内,所统计的以色列子民的人数。
These, then, were the men registered by Moses and the priest Eleazar in the census of the Israelites taken on the plains of Moab along the Jericho stretch of the Jordan.
26:64 他们中没有一个是梅瑟和大司祭亚郎,在西乃旷野统计以色列子民时,所统计过的人,
Among them there was not a man of those who had been registered by Moses and the priest Aaron in the census of the Israelites taken in the desert of Sinai.
26:65 因为上主论及他们曾说过,他们必死在旷野。实在,除了耶孚乃的儿子加肋布和农的儿子若苏厄外,他们中没有剩下一人。
For the LORD had told them that they would surely die in the desert, and not one of them was left except Caleb, son of Jephunneh, and Joshua, son of Nun.
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