
【宗徒大事录】第二十八章  << 上一章

28:1 我们得救以后,那时才知道这岛名叫默里达。
Once we had reached safety we learned that the island was called Malta.
28:2 土人待我们非常友善,因为当时正在下雨,天又寒冷,他们就生起一堆火来款待我们众人。
The natives showed us extraordinary hospitality; they lit a fire and welcomed all of us because it had begun to rain and was cold.
28:3 保禄拾了一捆柴,放在火堆上;有一条毒蛇,因热而出,缠住了他的手。
Paul had gathered a bundle of brushwood and was putting it on the fire when a viper, escaping from the heat, fastened on his hand.
28:4 土人一见毒蛇在保禄手上悬着,就彼此说:「这人必定是个凶手,虽然他从海里得了救,天理仍不容他活着。」
When the natives saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to one another, "This man must certainly be a murderer; though he escaped the sea, Justice has not let him remain alive."
28:5 保禄竟把那毒蛇抖在火里,一点也没有受害;
But he shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no harm.
28:6 他们等待保禄发肿,或者突然跌倒死去;但等了好久,见没有一点不对的地方在他身上发生,就转念说他是个神。
They were expecting him to swell up or suddenly to fall down dead but, after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god.
28:7 离那地方不远,有一块田园,是岛上的首领名叫颇里约的;他收留我们,款待了我们三天,很是厚道。
In the vicinity of that place were lands belonging to a man named Publius, the chief of the island. He welcomed us and received us cordially as his guests for three days.
28:8 适冯颇里约的父亲卧病,患热病和痢疾;保禄就到他那里,祈祷以后,给他覆手,治好了他。
It so happened that the father of Publius was sick with a fever and dysentery. Paul visited him and, after praying, laid his hands on him and healed him.
28:9 这样一来,岛上其余有病的人也都前来,也全被治好了。
After this had taken place, the rest of the sick on the island came to Paul and were cured.
28:10 他们处处表示十分尊敬我们;当我们开船的时候,还给我们放上急需品。
They paid us great honor and when we eventually set sail they brought us the provisions we needed.
28:11 有只用「雕斯雇黎」作标帜的亚历山大里亚船,在那岛上过冬:过了三个月,我们便乘这船航行。
Three months later we set sail on a ship that had wintered at the island. It was an Alexandrian ship with the Dioscuri as its figurehead.
28:12 我们在息辣谷撒靠了岸,停留了三天;
We put in at Syracuse and stayed there three days,
28:13 从那里绕道前行,到了勒基雍。过了一天,吹起了南风,次日我们就到了颇提约里;
and from there we sailed round the coast and arrived at Rhegium. After a day, a south wind came up and in two days we reached Puteoli.
28:14 在那里我们遇见了弟兄们,他们请我们在那里住了七天;以后,我们便往罗马去了。
There we found some brothers and were urged to stay with them for seven days. And thus we came to Rome.
28:15 弟兄们听到我们的消息后,便从罗马来到阿丕约市场和三馆迎接我们;保禄见了他们,就感谢天主,而获得勇气。
The brothers from there heard about us and came as far as the Forum of Appius and Three Taverns to meet us. On seeing them, Paul gave thanks to God and took courage.
28:16 我们进了罗马,保禄获准与看守他的士兵独居一处。
When he entered Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself, with the soldier who was guarding him.
28:17 过了三天,保禄便召集犹太人的首领;待他们来齐了,就向他们说:「诸位仁人弟兄!论到我,我虽没有行什么反对民族,或祖先规例的事,却被锁押了,从耶路撒冷被交到罗马人手里。
Three days later he called together the leaders of the Jews. When they had gathered he said to them, "My brothers, although I had done nothing against our people or our ancestral customs, I was handed over to the Romans as a prisoner from Jerusalem.
28:18 他们审问了我,在我身上没有找到该死的罪案,就想释放我;
After trying my case the Romans wanted to release me, because they found nothing against me deserving the death penalty.
28:19 但犹太人反对,我不得已,只好向凯撒上诉,并不是我有什么事要控告我的人民。
But when the Jews objected, I was obliged to appeal to Caesar, even though I had no accusation to make against my own nation.
28:20 为这个缘故,我才请你们来见面谈话。我原是为了以色列所希望的事,才带上了这条锁链。」
This is the reason, then, I have requested to see you and to speak with you, for it is on account of the hope of Israel that I wear these chains."
28:21 他们向他说:「我们没有从犹太接到关于你的书信,弟兄们中也没有一个人来报告,或说你有什么不好;
They answered him, "We have received no letters from Judea about you, nor has any of the brothers arrived with a damaging report or rumor about you.
28:22 不过我们愿意从你本人听听你的意见,因为关于这个教门,我们知道它到处受人反对。」
But we should like to hear you present your views, for we know that this sect is denounced everywhere."
28:23 他们既与保禄约定了日子,就有更多的人到寓所来见他;他就从早到晚,给他们讲解,为天主的国作证,引征梅瑟法律和先知书,劝导他们信服耶稣。
So they arranged a day with him and came to his lodgings in great numbers. From early morning until evening, he expounded his position to them, bearing witness to the kingdom of God and trying to convince them about Jesus from the law of Moses and the prophets.
28:24 有的人因他所说的话而相信了,有的却不相信;
Some were convinced by what he had said, while others did not believe.
28:25 他们彼此不合,便散去了。散去之前,保禄曾说了这段话:「圣神藉依撒意亚先知向你们祖先说的正对。
Without reaching any agreement among themselves they began to leave; then Paul made one final statement. "Well did the holy Spirit speak to your ancestors through the prophet Isaiah, saying:
28:26 他说:『你去对这民族说:你们听是听,但不了解;看是看,却不明白,
'Go to this people and say: You shall indeed hear but not understand. You shall indeed look but never see.
28:27 因为这民族的心迟钝,耳朵难以听见;他们闭了自己的眼睛,免得眼睛看见,耳朵听见,心里了解而悔改,而要我医好他们。』
Gross is the heart of this people; they will not hear with their ears; they have closed their eyes, so they may not see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and be converted, and I heal them.'
28:28 所以,你们要知道:
Let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen."
28:29 天主的这个救恩已送给了外邦人,他们将要听从。」
28:30 保禄在自己赁的房子里,住了整整两年;凡来见他的,他都接待。
He remained for two full years in his lodgings. He received all who came to him,
28:31 他宣讲天主的国,教授主耶稣基督的事,都非常自由,没有人禁止。
and with complete assurance and without hindrance he proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ.
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