
【户籍纪】第三十三章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

33:1 以下是以色列子民在梅瑟和亚郎指挥下,分队出离埃及国后所行的路程。
The following are the stages by which the Israelites journeyed up by companies from the land of Egypt under the guidance of Moses and Aaron.
33:2 梅瑟记录了他们遵上主的命启营的出发点。以下是他们依次出发的行程:
By the LORD’s command Moses recorded the starting places of the various stages. The starting places of the successive stages were:
33:3 他们于正月十五日由辣默色斯起程,即在逾越节第二日,以色列子民大胆地、当着众埃及人的面出走了,
They set out from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month. On the Passover morrow the Israelites went forth in triumph, in view of all Egypt,
33:4 其时埃及人正在埋葬上主在他们中所击杀的一切长子;上主也惩罚了他们的神祇。
While the Egyptians buried their first-born all of whom the LORD had struck down; on their gods, too, the LORD executed judgments.
33:5 以色列子民由辣默色斯起程,在酥苛特扎营。
Setting out from Rameses, the Israelites camped at Succoth.
33:6 由稣苛特起程,在位于旷野边界的厄堂扎营。
Setting out from Succoth, they camped at Etham near the edge of the desert.
33:7 由厄堂起程,转向巴耳责丰的丕哈希洛特,在米革多耳对面扎营。
Setting out from Etham, they turned back to Pi-hahiroth, which is opposite Baal-zephon, and they camped opposite Migdol.
33:8 由丕哈希洛特起程,由海中经过进入旷野,在厄堂旷野中行了三天的路,然后在玛辣扎营。
Setting out from Pi-hahiroth, they crossed over through the sea into the desert, and after a three days' journey in the desert of Etham, they camped at Marah.
33:9 由玛辣起程,来到厄林。在厄林有十二水泉和七十株棕榈树,就在那里扎营。
Setting out from Marah, they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees, and they camped there.
33:10 由厄林起程,在红海旁扎营。
Setting out from Elim, they camped beside the Red Sea.
33:11 由红海起程,在欣旷野扎营。
Setting out from the Red Sea, they camped in the desert of Sin.
33:12 由欣旷野启程,在多弗卡扎营。
Setting out from the desert of Sin, they camped at Dophkah.
33:13 由多弗卡起程,在阿路士扎营。
Setting out from Dophkah, they camped at Alush.
33:14 由阿路士起程,在勒非丁扎营;民众在这里没有水喝。
Setting out from Alush, they camped at Rephidim, where there was no water for the people to drink.
33:15 由勒非丁起程,在西乃旷野扎营。
Setting out from Rephidim, they camped in the desert of Sinai.
33:16 由西乃旷野起程,在克贝洛特-加龙省阿塔瓦扎营。
Setting out from the desert of Sinai, they camped at Kibroth-hattaavah.
33:17 由克贝洛特-加龙省哈塔瓦起程,在哈责洛特-加龙省扎营。
Setting out from Kibroth-hattaavah, they camped at Hazeroth.
33:18 由哈责洛特-加龙省起程,在黎特玛扎营。
Setting out from Hazeroth, they camped at Rithmah.
33:19 由黎特玛起程,在黎孟培勒兹扎营。
Setting out from Rithmah, they camped at Rimmon-perez.
33:20 由黎孟培勒兹起程,在里贝纳扎营。
Setting out from Rimmon-perez, they camped at Libnah.
33:21 由里贝纳起程,在黎撒扎营。
Setting out from Libnah, they camped at Rissah.
33:22 由黎撒起程,在刻黑拉达扎营。
Setting out from Rissah, they camped at Kehelathah.
33:23 由刻黑拉达起程,在舍斐尔山扎营。
Setting out from Kehelathah, they camped at Mount Shepher.
33:24 由舍斐尔山起程,在哈辣达扎营。
Setting out from Mount Shepher, they camped at Haradah.
33:25 由哈辣达起程,在玛刻黑罗特扎营。
Setting out from Haradah, they camped at Makheloth.
33:26 由玛刻黑罗特起程,在塔哈特扎营。
Setting out from Makheloth, they camped at Tahath.
33:27 由塔哈特起程,在特辣黑扎营。
Setting out from Tahath, they camped at Terah.
33:28 由特辣黑起程,在米特卡扎营。
Setting out from Terah, they camped at Mithkah.
33:29 由米特卡起程,在哈市摩纳扎营。
Setting out from Mithkah, they camped at Hashmonah.
33:30 由哈市摩纳起程,在摩色尔扎营。
Setting out from Hashmonah,-They camped at Moseroth.
33:31 由摩色尔起程,在贝乃雅干扎营。
Setting out from Moseroth, they camped at Bene-jaakan.
33:32 由贝乃雅干起程,在曷尔哈基加得扎营。
Setting out from Bene-jaakan, they camped at Mount Gidgad.
33:33 由曷尔哈基加得起程,在约特巴达扎营。
Setting out from Mount Gidgad, they camped at Jotbathah.
33:34 由约特巴达起程,在阿贝洛纳扎营。
Setting out from Jotbathah, they camped at Abronah.
33:35 由阿贝洛纳起程,在厄兹雍革贝尔扎营。
Setting out from Abronah, they camped at Ezion-geber.
33:36 由厄兹雍革贝尔起程,在亲旷野,即卡德士扎营。
Setting out from Ezion-geber,-They camped in the desert of Zin, at Kadesh.
33:37 由卡德士起程,在位于厄东地边界上的曷尔山下扎营。
Setting out from Kadesh, they camped at Mount Hor on the border of the land of Edom.
33:38 亚郎大司祭依上主的命,上了曷尔山,死在那里,时在以色列子民出埃及国后四十年五月初一日。
(Aaron the priest ascended Mount Hor at the LORD’s command, and there he died in the fortieth year from the departure of the Israelites from the land of Egypt, on the first day of the fifth month.
33:39 亚郎死在曷尔山上时,已一百二十三岁。
Aaron was a hundred and twenty-three years old when he died on Mount Hor.
33:40 其时住在客纳罕南部的客纳罕人王阿辣得听说以色列子民来了。
Now, when the Canaanite king of Arad, who lived in the Negeb in the land of Canaan, heard that the Israelites were coming. . . . )
33:41 他们再由曷尔山下起程,在匝耳摩纳扎营。
Setting out from Mount Hor,-They camped at Zalmonah.
33:42 由匝耳摩纳起程,在普农扎营。
Setting out from Zalmonah, they camped at Punon.
33:43 由普农起程,在敖波特扎营。
Setting out from Punon, they camped at Oboth.
33:44 由敖波特起程,在位于摩阿布边境的依耶阿巴陵扎营。
Setting out from Oboth, they camped at Iye-abarim on the border of Moab.
33:45 由依耶起程,在狄朋加得扎营。
Setting out from Iye-abarim, they camped at Dibon-gad.
33:46 由狄朋加得起程,在阿耳孟狄贝拉塔因扎营。
Setting out from Dibon-gad, they camped at Almon-diblathaim.
33:47 由阿耳孟狄贝拉塔因起程,在乃波前面的阿巴陵山地内扎营。
Setting out from Almon-diblathaim, they camped in the Abarim Mountains opposite Nebo.
33:48 由阿巴陵山地起程,在耶里哥对面,约但河边,摩阿布旷野扎营;
Setting out from the Abarim Mountains, they camped on the plains of Moab along the Jericho stretch of the Jordan.
33:49 他们在摩阿布旷野里,沿着约但河边扎营,由贝特耶史摩特直到阿贝耳史廷。
Their camp along the Jordan on the plains of Moab extended from Beth-jeshimoth to Abelshittim.
33:50 在耶里哥对面,约但河边,摩阿布旷野内,上主训示梅瑟说:「
The LORD spoke to Moses on the plains of Moab beside the Jericho stretch of the Jordan and said to him:
33:51 你告诉以色列子民说:你们几时过了约但,进入客纳罕地,
"Tell the Israelites: When you go across the Jordan into the land of Canaan,
33:52 应由你们面前驱逐当地所有的居民,应毁坏他们的一切偶像,应打碎他们的一切铸像,应铲除他们的一切丘坛。
drive out all the inhabitants of the land before you; destroy all their stone figures and molten images, and demolish all their high places.
33:53 你们要占领那地方,住在那里,因为我已将那地方给了你们,叫你们占有。
"You shall take possession of the land and settle in it, for I have given you the land as your property.
33:54 你们要按支派抽签分配那地方:人数多的多给,人数少的少给。谁的签落在那里,那里就属于他。你们依照宗祖支派分配你们的产业。
You shall apportion the land among yourselves by lot, clan by clan, assigning a large heritage to a large group and a small heritage to a small group. Wherever anyone’s lot falls, there shall his property be within the heritage of his ancestral tribe.
33:55 但如果你们不把当地的居民由你们面前驱逐,那留下的居民,必要成为你们的眼中刺,腰间针,在你们住的地方内迫害你们;
"But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before you, those whom you allow to remain will become as barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they will harass you in the country where you live,
33:56 并且我打算了怎样对待他们,也要怎样对待你们。」
and I will treat you as I had intended to treat them."
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