
【艾斯德尔传】第四章&补录丙&补录丁  << 上一章 下一章 >>

4:1 摩尔德开一知道所发生的事,就撕裂了自己的衣服,披上苦衣,撒上灰土,走到京城中心,大声哀号,
When Mordecai learned all that was happening, he tore his garments, put on sackcloth and ashes, and walked through the city crying out loudly and bitterly,
4:2 一直走到御门前,因为身披苦衣的,不进准入御门。
till he came before the royal gate, which no one clothed in sackcloth might enter.
4:3 此时在各省里,凡是谕文与敕令传到的地方,犹太人都哀号、禁食、哭泣、悲痛;许多人且身穿苦衣,躺在灰土中。
(Likewise in each of the provinces, wherever the king’s legal enactment reached, the Jews went into deep mourning, with fasting, weeping, and lament; they all slept on sackcloth and ashes.)
4:4 艾斯德尔的宫女和太监跑来报告给她,王后得悉,万分悲伤,立即送衣服去,叫摩尔德开穿上,脱下苦衣;但是他没有接受。
Queen Esther’s maids and eunuchs came and told her. Overwhelmed with anguish, she sent garments for Mordecai to put on, so that he might take off his sackcloth; but he refused.
4:5 艾斯德尔就叫王派来侍候她的太监哈塔客来,吩咐他去见摩尔德开,探听一下发生了何事,为何如此。
Esther then summoned Hathach, one of the king’s eunuchs whom he had placed at her service, and commanded him to find out what this action of Mordecai meant and the reason for it.
4:6 哈塔客遂走到御门前的广场,去见摩尔德开。
So Hathach went out to Mordecai in the public square in front of the royal gate,
4:7 摩尔德开便将所遭遇的事,也将哈曼为消灭犹太人给王库捐献的银钱,都详细告诉了他,
and Mordecai told him all that had happened, as well as the exact amount of silver Haman had promised to pay to the royal treasury for the slaughter of the Jews.
4:8 并且把在稣撒已公布的灭绝犹太人的一分谕文交给他,转呈艾斯德尔披阅,并请她快去恳求君王为自己的民族求情,且叫他向艾斯德尔说「请你回忆你孤苦零了的时候,怎样在我手下长大成人。如今一人之下的哈曼已求准要处死我们。请你呼求上主,并为我们向君王求情,救我们不死!」
He also gave him a copy of the written decree for their destruction which had been promulgated in Susa, to show and explain to Esther. He was to instruct her to go to the king; she was to plead and intercede with him in behalf of her people.
4:9 哈塔客回来,将摩尔德开的话回报给艾斯德尔。
"Remember the days of your lowly estate," Mordecai had him say, "when you were brought up in my charge; for Haman, who is second to the king, has asked for our death. B:9 Invoke the Lord and speak to the king for us: save us from death."
4:10 艾斯德尔吩咐哈塔客去回复摩尔德开说:
Hathach returned to Esther and told her what Mordecai had said.
4:11 「王所有的公卿与各省的百姓都知道,任何人不论男女,未奉召见,而擅入内庭往谒君王的,除非君王向他伸出金杖赐他生存,一律应依法处死。况且我已三十天未蒙召亲近君王了。」
Then Esther replied to Hathach and gave him this message for Mordecai:
4:12 哈塔客将艾斯德尔的话转告给摩尔德开。
"All the servants of the king and the people of his provinces know that any man or woman who goes to the king in the inner court without being summoned, suffers the automatic penalty of death, unless the king extends to him the golden scepter, thus sparing his life. Now as for me, I have not been summoned to the king for thirty days."
4:13 摩尔德开叫他回复艾斯德尔说:「不要心想,一个犹太人在王宫里就可保全性命!
When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai,
4:14 决不会。在这生死关头,你若缄默不言,犹太人也必会从别处得到救援和援助。但是,在这光景下,你和你的家族必遭灭亡。谁知你之所以得涉足朝廷,不正是为了挽救现在的危机呢!」
he had this reply brought to her: "Do not imagine that because you are in the king’s palace, you alone of all the Jews will escape.
4:15 艾斯德尔令人转告摩尔德开说:
Even if you now remain silent, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another source; but you and your father’s house will perish. Who knows but that it was for a time like this that you obtained the royal dignity?"
4:16 「去召集一切住在稣撒的犹太人,为我禁食,三天三夜不吃不喝。同时,我与我的宫女,也同样禁食;此后,我就越规去见君王,即便我死,死也情愿!
Esther sent back to Mordecai the response:
4:17 于是摩尔德开走了,进行艾斯德尔所吩咐他的一切事。
"Go and assemble all the Jews who are in Susa; fast on my behalf, all of you, not eating or drinking, night or day, for three days. I and my maids will also fast in the same way. Thus prepared, I will go to the king, contrary to the law. If I perish, I perish!" Prayer of Mordecai. Mordecai went away and did exactly as Esther had commanded.
补丙:1 摩尔德开想起了上主所作的一切,就向上主哀求说:
Recalling all that the Lord had done, he prayed to him
补丙:2 「上主,上主!全能的君王!万事都属你权下,若你愿意拯救以色列,谁也不能反抗。
and said: "O Lord God, almighty King, all things are in your power, and there is no one to oppose you in your will to save Israel.
补丙:3 你造了天地,以及天下的千奇万妙之物;你是万有的主宰。上主,谁能抵抗你?
You made heaven and earth and every wonderful thing under the heavens.You are Lord of all, and there is no one who can resist you, Lord.
补丙:4 上主!你洞察万事,知道我不叩拜蛮横的哈曼,并不是出于傲慢、自大,或任何贪求虚荣的心;反而,若为了以色列的安全,需要跪吻他的脚掌,我也在所不辞。
You know all things. You know, O Lord, that it was not out of insolence or pride or desire for fame that I acted thus in not bowing down to the proud Haman.Gladly would I have kissed the soles of his feet for the salvation of Israel.
补丙:5 但是,我这样做,是不愿将人的光荣,置诸天主的光荣以上;并且,我的上主,除了你以外,我决不叩拜任何人。我如此做,不是出于傲慢。
But I acted as I did so as not to place the honor of man above that of God. I will not bow down to anyone but you, my Lord. It is not out of pride that I am acting thus.
补丙:6 上主,天主,天地的君王,亚巴郎的天主!现今求你怜悯你的民族!因为人决意要消灭我们,要摧残自始就属于你的产业。
And now, Lord God, King, God of Abraham, spare your people, for our enemies plan our ruin and are bent upon destroying the inheritance that was yours from the beginning.
补丙:7 求你不要轻视你从埃及为你自己赎出的产业!
Do not spurn your portion, which you redeemed for yourself out of Egypt.
补丙:8 愿你俯听我的祈求,怜悯你的家业,化哀伤为喜庆,使我们能生存在世界上,歌颂你的圣名。上主!求你不要让那些赞美你的口舌丧亡!」
Hear my prayer; have pity on your inheritance and turn our sorrow into joy: thus we shall live to sing praise to your name, O Lord. Do not silence those who praise you."
补丙:9 此时,全以色列都竭力呼救,因为他们已面临死亡。
All Israel, too, cried out with all their strength, for death was staring them in the face. Prayer of Esther.
补丙:10 艾斯德尔王后,自觉也有死的威胁,于是投奔到上主前;脱去华服,穿上悲伤哀悼的衣裳,头上撒上灰尘和粪土,以代替贵重的香膏,严厉刻苦肉身,头发散垂,毫无装饰,向上主以色列的天主祈祷说:
Queen Esther, seized with mortal anguish, likewise had recourse to the Lord.Taking off her splendid garments, she put on garments of distress and mourning. In place of her precious ointments she covered her head with dirt and ashes. She afflicted her body severely; all her festive adornments were put aside, and her hair was wholly disheveled.
补丙:11 「我的上主!只有你是我们的君王,求你援助我这孤苦无靠的人!除你以外,我没有别的救援,因为危险已迫于眉睫。
Then she prayed to the Lord, the God of Israel, saying: "My Lord, our King, you alone are God. Help me, who am alone and have no help but you,for I am taking my life in my hand.
补丙:12 我自幼在我父家,就听说是你,上主,从各民族中拣选了以色列;又从各民族的祖先中拣选了我们的祖先,作你永远的产业:凡你所预许的,无不一一给他们实践。
As a child I was wont to hear from the people of the land of my forefathers that you, O Lord, chose Israel from among all peoples, and our fathers from among all their ancestors, as a lasting heritage, and that you fulfilled all your promises to them. But now we have sinned in your sight, and you have delivered us into the hands of our enemies,
补丙:13 但是现今我们犯罪得罪了你,你将我们交在敌人的手中,因为我们敬奉了他们的神抵;上主,你如此作,是公义的。
because we worshiped their gods. You are just, O Lord.But now they are not satisfied with our bitter servitude, but have undertaken
补丙:14 我们倍受奴役惨痛的苦楚,他们尚以为不足,如今还向他们的神抵宣誓:要废除你发出的号令,消灭你的家业,杜绝颂扬你的口舌,熄灭你圣殿的光辉,折毁你的祭坛,
to do away with the decree you have pronounced, and to destroy your heritage; to close the mouths of those who praise you, and to extinguish the glory of your temple and your altar;
补丙:15 放纵异教人的口舌,去称扬虚伪的偶像,永远崇拜一个有血肉的君王。
to open the mouths of the heathen to acclaim their false gods, and to extol an earthly king forever.
补丙:16 上主!不要将你的权杖,交与那些根本是虚无的人物;不要使他们嘲笑我们的没落,反使他们的阴谋伤害自己,作为那谋害我们者的鉴戒。
"O Lord, do not relinquish your scepter to those that are nought. Let them not gloat over our ruin, but turn their own counsel against them and make an example of our chief enemy.
补丙:17 上主!求你记念我们,在这灾难之时,求你显现!神明的君王,全能的主宰,求增我勇气!
Be mindful of us, O Lord. Manifest yourself in the time of our distress and give me courage, King of gods and Ruler of every power.
补丙:18 赐我在猛狮前,口能说动听的话;求你转变他的心意,去憎恨我们的仇人,使那人和与他同谋的人,同归于尽。
Put in my mouth persuasive words in the presence of the lion, and turn his heart to hatred for our enemy, so that he and those who are in league with him may perish.
补丙:19 惟愿你亲手拯救我们!上主!求你援助我这孤苦无告的人,除你以外,我没有别的依靠。
Save us by your power, and help me, who am alone and have no one but you, O Lord. "You know all things.
补丙:20 你洞悉一切,知我憎恨所有不法者的光荣,厌恶未受割损者和一切异民的床褥;
You know that I hate the glory of the pagans, and abhor the bed of the uncircumcised or of any foreigner.
补丙:21 你知道我是迫不得已,因为我憎恶上朝时戴在我头上的那尊贵的徽号:憎厌它象沾了不洁的亵布;在我独居时,我决不佩戴。
You know that I am under constraint, that I abhor the sign of grandeur which rests on my head when I appear in public; abhor it like a polluted rag, and do not wear it in private.
补丙:22 况且,你的婢女没有吃过哈曼席上的食物,没有尝过君王的盛宴,也没有饮过奠祭的酒。
I, your handmaid, have never eaten at the table of Haman, nor have I graced the banquet of the king or drunk the wine of libations.
补丙:23 从我被带到这里的那一天起,直到现在,上主,亚巴郎的天主!除你以外,你的婢女没有别的喜乐。
From the day I was brought here till now, your handmaid has had no joy except in you, O Lord, God of Abraham.
补丙:24 威能超众的天主,求你俯听失望者的呼声,拯救我们脱离恶人的毒手,并救我脱离恐怖!」
O God, more powerful than all, hear the voice of those in despair. Save us from the power of the wicked, and deliver me from my fear." Esther Is Received by the King.
补丁:1 第三天,艾斯德尔祈祷完毕,脱去苦衣麻服,穿上艳丽服装,
On the third day, putting an end to her prayers, she took off her penitential garments and arrayed herself in her royal attire.
补丁:2 刻意装饰打扮,又呼求了鉴临万物,拯救众生的天主,就带了两个婢女:一个扶着她那弱不禁风的身体;另一个尾随于后,扯起她的长裙。
In making her state appearance, after invoking the all-seeing God and savior, she took with her two maids;on the one she leaned gently for support,while the other followed her, bearing her train.
补丁:3 她体态轻盈容貌娇艳,令人喜爱;但她此时却心惊胆战。
She glowed with the perfection of her beauty and her countenance was as joyous as it was lovely, though her heart was shrunk with fear.
补丁:4 经过几道官门来到君王前;此时君王正高坐龙椅,身着蟒袍玉带,金壁辉煌,使人一见生畏。
She passed through all the portals till she stood face to face with the king, who was seated on his royal throne, clothed in full robes of state, and covered with gold and precious stones, so that he inspired great awe.
补丁:5 君王抬起头来,见王后前来,龙颜大变,怒目而视;王后登时吓的昏迷,面无人色,倒在随侍她的婢女身上。
As he looked up, his features ablaze with the height of majestic anger, the queen staggered, changed color, and leaned weakly against the head of the maid in front of her.
补丁:6 但天主忽然转变了君王的心,使他的态度转为和颜悦色,急忙跑下龙椅,双手把她抱住,及至王后苏醒,王便以温和的言语抚慰她说:
But God changed the king’s anger to gentleness. In great anxiety he sprang from his throne, held her in his arms until she recovered, and comforted her with reassuring words.
补丁:7 艾斯德尔,你有什么事?我是你哥哥,尽管放心好了!你不至于死,王法只是限于属下。请上前来!
"What is it, Esther?" he said to her. "I am your brother. Take courage!You shall not die because of this general decree of ours.Come near!"
补丁:8 于是拿起金杖,放在她颈上,且吻她说:「向我说罢!」
Raising the golden scepter, he touched her neck with it, embraced her, and said, "Speak to me."
补丁:9 她答说:「我主,我见了你,好象见了天主的使者;一见你的威仪,我就心神慌乱了。
She replied: "I saw you, my lord, as an angel of God, and my heart was troubled with fear of your majesty.
补丁:10 我主,你实令人惊奇,仪容又和蔼可亲。」
For you are awesome, my lord, though your glance is full of kindness."
补丁:11 她正在说话时,又晕倒了。君王因此十分担心,众臣仆便都设法使她苏醒过来。
As she said this, she fainted.The king became troubled and all his attendants tried to revive her.
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