
【玛加伯下】第四章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

4:1 上面记载的那位密告财宝,出卖祖国的息孟,今又毁谤敖尼雅,说他是陷害赫略多洛和一切凶祸的主谋。
The Simon mentioned above as the informer about the funds against his own country, made false accusation that it was Onias who threatened Heliodorus and instigated the whole miserable affair.
4:2 他竟将这位造福本城,善理同胞,忠诚守法的人说成一个阴谋叛徒。
He dared to brand as a plotter against the government the man who was a benefactor of the city, a protector of his compatriots, and a zealous defender of the laws.
4:3 这仇恨是如此深刻,甚至有些人为息孟的心腹所杀。
When Simon’s hostility reached such a point that murders were being committed by one of his henchmen,
4:4 敖尼雅见到这斗争的危险性,而且又见到默乃斯太的儿子即切肋叙利亚和腓尼基的总督阿颇罗尼,助长息孟为恶,
Onias saw that the opposition was serious and that Apollonius, son of Menestheus, the governor of Coelesyria and Phoenicia, was abetting Simon’s wickedness.
4:5 便去觐见国王;他去并不是为控告自己的同胞,而是为了人民的公私利益,
So he had recourse to the king, not as an accuser of his countrymen, but as a man looking to the general and particular good of all the people.
4:6 因为他看得很清楚:若没有国王的调停,要使问题和平解决,和使息孟停止妄行,是不可能的。
He saw that, unless the king intervened, it would be impossible to have a peaceful government, and that Simon would not desist from his folly.
4:7 但是,色娄苛死后,号称厄丕法乃的安提约古继位称王。此时,敖尼雅的弟弟雅松用非法手段,夺取了大司祭的职位。
But Seleucus died, and when Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes succeeded him on the throne, Onias' brother Jason obtained the high priesthood by corrupt means:
4:8 当他朝见国王时,许给国王二百六十「塔冷通」银子,和其他进项中的八十「塔冷通」;
in an interview, he promised the king three hundred and sixty talents of silver, as well as eighty talents from another source of income.
4:9 此外,如果国王准许他用王的权势修建一座体育场和一处青年训练所,并把耶路撒冷人登记为安提约基雅的公民,他就许下另缴一百五十「塔冷通」。
Besides this he agreed to pay a hundred and fifty more, if he were given authority to establish a gymnasium and a youth club for it and to enroll men in Jerusalem as Antiochians.
4:10 国王一一应允了。雅松既然得势,立刻使本国人民希腊化,
When Jason received the king’s approval and came into office, he immediately initiated his countrymen into the Greek way of life.
4:11 并且把诸王因欧颇肋摩的父亲若望而赐予犹太人的特权取消,这欧颇肋摩就是日后出使与罗马人缔结友好盟约的大使----把合法的制度废除,而倡导违法的新风俗。
He set aside the royal concessions granted to the Jews through the mediation of John, father of Eupolemus (that Eupolemus who would later go on an embassy to the Romans to establish a treaty of friendship with them); he abrogated the lawful institutions and introduced customs contrary to the law.
4:12 他故意在城堡下建筑了运动场,引领贵族少年受体育训练。
He quickly established a gymnasium at the very foot of the acropolis, where he induced the noblest young men to wear the Greek hat.
4:13 因了这邪恶而非大司祭的雅松的过度狂妄,希腊文化和外方风俗达到了极点,
The craze for Hellenism and foreign customs reached such a pitch, through the outrageous wickedness of the ungodly pseudo-high-priest Jason,
4:14 以致司祭们对祭献的礼仪已不感兴趣,甚至轻慢圣殿,忽略祭献,一听到掷铁饼的讯号,就急忙跑去参加运动场上的违法运动。
that the priests no longer cared about the service of the altar. Disdaining the temple and neglecting the sacrifices, they hastened, at the signal for the discus-throwing, to take part in the unlawful exercises on the athletic field.
4:15 他们毫不尊重本国的尊严,一心崇拜希腊的光荣。
They despised what their ancestors had regarded as honors, while they highly prized what the Greeks esteemed as glory.
4:16 正是为这些缘故,他们日后陷于恶劣的环境,那些推崇其生活方式和事事取法他们的人,日后反成了他们的仇敌和惩治者,
Precisely because of this, they found themselves in serious trouble: the very people whose manner of life they emulated, and whom they desired to imitate in everything, became their enemies and oppressors.
4:17 因为背弃天主的法律并不是一件小事:这由下面的事实可以证明。
It is no light matter to flout the laws of God, as the following period will show.
4:18 在提洛举行五年一次的运动大会的时候,国王也亲自到场,
When the quinquennial games were held at Tyre in the presence of the king,
4:19 无廉耻的雅松派了几个入安提约基雅籍的人,代表耶路撒冷去作观察员,又叫他们带三百银钱去祭祀赫辣克肋神。但是带钱的人以为用这些钱购办祭物不甚相宜,所以留下作了别的费用。
the vile Jason sent envoys as representatives of the Antiochians of Jerusalem, to bring there three hundred silver drachmas for the sacrifice to Hercules. But the bearers themselves decided that the money should not be spent on a sacrifice, as that was not right, but should be used for some other purpose.
4:20 虽然按主使者的意思,这钱是为祭把赫辣克肋用的,带钱的人却用来建造了三层桨的战船。
So the contribution destined by the sender for the sacrifice to Hercules was in fact applied, by those who brought it, to the construction of triremes.
4:21 当安提约古打发默乃斯太的儿子阿颇罗尼去埃及,参与非罗默托王登极的盛典时,知道了埃及王是他的政敌,所以为自卫起见,就去了约培,然后来到了耶路撒冷。
When Apollonius, son of Menestheus, was sent to Egypt for the coronation of King Philometor, Antiochus learned that the king was opposed to his policies; so he took measures for his own security.
4:22 安提约古受到雅松及全国人民的热烈欢迎,在火炬欢呼中进了城。随后他又领兵到了腓尼基。
After going to Joppa, he proceeded to Jerusalem. There he was received with great pomp by Jason and the people of the city, who escorted him with torchlights and acclamations; following this, he led his army into Phoenicia.
4:23 三年以后,雅松打发上述息孟的兄弟默乃劳把钱送交国王,并请王解决备忘录上的几件重要事项。
Three years later Jason sent Menelaus, brother of the aforementioned Simon, to deliver the money to the king, and to obtain decisions on some important matters.
4:24 默乃劳先使人在国王跟前推荐自己,后又奉承他,自装有权势,又许给他比雅松还多的三百「塔冷通」,于是获得大司祭的职位。
When he had been introduced to the king, he flattered him with such an air of authority that he secured the high priesthood for himself, outbidding Jason by three hundred talents of silver.
4:25 他领到国王的委任状就回到耶路撒冷。但他绝不相称大司祭的职位,暴燥如虐王,狂怒似野兽。
He returned with the royal commission, but with nothing that made him worthy of the high priesthood; he had the temper of a cruel tyrant and the rage of a wild beast.
4:26 如此,以前曾推翻自己哥哥的雅松,今也被人推翻,被迫逃到阿孟人的地方去。
Then Jason, who had cheated his own brother and now saw himself cheated by another man, was driven out as a fugitive to the country of the Ammonites.
4:27 默乃劳固然得到高位,但许给国王的钱却未缴纳,
Although Menelaus had obtained the office, he did not make any payments of the money he had promised to the king,
4:28 城堡的司令兼主管税务的索斯塔托却不断催他缴纳,于是二人同被国王传召。
in spite of the demand of Sostratus, the commandant of the citadel, whose duty it was to collect the taxes. For this reason, both were summoned before the king.
4:29 默乃劳便委托自己的兄弟里息玛苛代理大同祭的职务,索斯塔托委托塞浦路斯的军官克辣特代理。
Menelaus left his brother Lysimachus as his substitute in the high priesthood, while Sostratus left Crates, commander of the Cypriots, as his substitute.
4:30 正当此时,塔尔索和玛罗两城的人民,因为国王把他们这两座城当作礼品,送给自己的嫔妃安提约基,而群起叛乱。
While these things were taking place, the people of Tarsus and Mallus rose in revolt, because their cities had been given as a gift to Antiochis, the king’s mistress.
4:31 国王急速去平乱,委托他的大官安多尼苛为代理。
The king, therefore, went off in haste to settle the affair, leaving Andronicus, one of his nobles, as his deputy.
4:32 默乃劳乘此良机,由圣殿中偷去一些金器送给安多尼苛,也把一些金器卖给提洛和其附近的城邑。
Then Menelaus, thinking this a good opportunity, stole some gold vessels from the temple and presented them to Andronicus; he had already sold some other vessels in Tyre and in the neighboring cities.
4:33 此时隐退到安提约基雅附近的达夫乃避难所去的敖尼雅,听到这些确实消息,就责斥默乃劳,
When Onias had clear evidence of the facts, he made a public protest, after withdrawing to the inviolable sanctuary at Daphne, near Antioch.
4:34 因此他把安多尼苛叫到一边,煽动他去杀敖尼雅。安多尼苛来到敖尼雅那里,伸出右手假装向他起誓,使他相信。敖尼雅虽然犹豫,仍相信了,遂从避难所走出。安多尼苛竟然不顾道义,就地杀了他。
Thereupon Menelaus approached Andronicus privately and asked him to lay hands on Onias. So Andronicus went to Onias, and by treacherously reassuring him through sworn pledges with right hands joined, persuaded him, in spite of his suspicions, to leave the sanctuary. Then, without any regard for justice, he immediately put him to death.
4:35 为此不但犹太人,连别的许多外方人对屈杀这人,都忿忿不平,怀恨在心。
As a result, not only the Jews, but many people of other nations as well, were indignant and angry over the unjust murder of the man.
4:36 及至国王从基里基雅回来,京城的犹太人连一些同样怀恨这残暴恶行的希腊人,都来到王前,控诉敖尼雅死得冤枉。
When the king returned from the region of Cilicia, the Jews of the city, together with the Greeks who detested the crime, went to see him about the murder of Onias.
4:37 安提约古心中也很难受,深表哀怜,回想死者的贤能端庄,不禁泪下。
Antiochus was deeply grieved and full of pity; he wept as he recalled the prudence and noble conduct of the deceased.
4:38 国王一时怒火大起,命人即刻脱去安多尼苛的紫红袍,将他的衣服撕烂,领他游城示众,直到他对敖尼雅行凶的地方,就在那里,将这凶手从世上铲除;如此,上主使他受到应得的惩罚。
Inflamed with anger, he immediately stripped Andronicus of his purple robe, tore off his other garments, and had him led through the whole city to the very place where he had committed the outrage against Onias; and there he put the murderer to death. Thus the Lord rendered him the punishment he deserved.
4:39 里息玛苛由于默乃劳的赞助,在城内犯了许多盗卖圣物的亵圣罪过。这事一传出去,民众都公然起来攻击里息玛苛;那时有许多金器已被盗卖给各方。
Many sacrilegious thefts had been committed by Lysimachus in the city with the connivance of Menelaus. When word was spread that a large number of gold vessels had been stolen, the people assembled in protest against Lysimachus.
4:40 里息玛苛见群众怒形于色,起来反抗他,即武装了大约三千人,以暴力对付,并以年老而愚妄未减的奥辣诺为首领。
As the crowds, now thoroughly enraged, began to riot, Lysimachus launched an unjustified attack against them with about three thousand armed men under the leadership of Auranus, a man as advanced in folly as he was in years.
4:41 众人见里息玛苛派人来攻打,有的拾取石块,有的手拿棍棒,有的就地抓起灰土,一起向里息玛苛的部下乱冲过去;
Reacting against Lysimachus' attack, the people picked up stones or pieces of wood or handfuls of the ashes lying there and threw them in wild confusion at Lysimachus and his men.
4:42 如此,他的部下有许多被打伤了,也有一些被打死,其余的都逃散了;连亵卖圣器的人也被杀死在圣库的近旁。
As a result, they wounded many of them and even killed a few, while they put all the rest to flight. The sacrilegious thief himself they slew near the treasury.
4:43 关于这事人民都抱怨默乃劳。
Charges about this affair were brought against Menelaus.
4:44 当国王来到提洛时,长老院便派遣三人到君王跟前申诉。
When the king came to Tyre, three men sent by the senate presented to him the justice of their cause.
4:45 默乃劳明知自己已失败,遂许给多黎默乃的儿子仆托肋米大批金银,托他向国王代为说情。
But Menelaus, seeing himself on the losing side, promised Ptolemy, son of Dorymenes, a substantial sum of money if he would win the king over.
4:46 仆托肋米便引国王来到廊下,假意乘凉,乘机使他改变了心意,
So Ptolemy retired with the king under a colonnade, as if to get some fresh air, and persuaded him to change his mind.
4:47 于是国王释放了罪魁祸首默乃劳,撤消了一切的控诉,反而把这几个可怜的人处死。这几个人,假使向叔提雅人伸诉的话,一定会被判无罪释放。
Menelaus, who was the cause of all the trouble, the king acquitted of the charges, while he condemned to death those poor men who would have been declared innocent even if they had pleaded their case before Scythians.
4:48 这些保护圣城、百姓和圣器的人反倒很快的受到这样不公平的惩罚。
Thus, those who had prosecuted the case for the city, for the people, and for the sacred vessels, quickly suffered unjust punishment.
4:49 因此有些提洛人,为了表示痛恨这种恶行,自愿为这些牺牲者举行隆重的丧礼。
For this reason, even some Tyrians were indignant over the crime and provided sumptuously for their burial.
4:50 因为有权势的人贪污,默乃劳仍能保待原位,仍然怙恶不悛,时时处处加害本国人。
But Menelaus, thanks to the covetousness of the men in power, remained in office, where he grew in wickedness and became the chief plotter against his fellow citizens.
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