6:32 那时厄里叟正坐在屋里,长老们同他坐在一起,君王派一个人在他以前去,但是这人还未来到,厄里叟就对长老们说:「你们看,这个凶手之子,竟派人来要斩我的头。你们注意,使者来到时,你们要把门关上,把他关在门外;在他后面不就是他主上的脚步声吗﹖」
Meanwhile, Elisha was sitting in his house in conference with the elders. The king had sent a man ahead before he himself should come to him. Elisha had said to the elders: "Do you know that this son of a murderer is sending someone to cut off my head? When the messenger comes, see that you close the door and hold it fast against him. His master’s footsteps are echoing behind him."