
【厄斯德拉上】第七章  << 上一章 下一章 >>

7:1 这些事以後,当波斯王阿塔薛西斯在位时,有位厄斯德拉,是色辣雅的儿子,色辣雅是阿匝黎雅的儿子,阿匝黎雅是希耳克雅的儿子,
After these events, during the reign of Artaxerxes, king of Persia, Ezra, son of Seraiah, son of Azariah, son of Hilkiah,
7:2 希耳克雅是沙隆的儿子,沙隆是匝多克的儿子,匝多克是阿希突布是儿子,
son of Shallum, son of Zadok, son of Ahitub,
7:3 阿希突布是阿玛黎雅的儿子,阿玛黎雅是阿匝黎雅的儿子,阿匝黎雅是默辣约特的儿子,
son of Amariah, son of Azariah, son of Meraioth,
7:4 默辣约特是则辣希雅的儿子,则辣希雅是乌齐的儿子,乌齐是步克的儿子,
son of Zerahiah, son of Uzzi, son of Bukki,
7:5 步克是阿彼叔亚的儿子,阿彼叔亚是丕乃哈斯的儿子,阿彼叔亚是厄肋阿匝尔的儿子,厄肋阿匝尔是大司祭亚郎的儿子。
son of Abishua, son of Phinehas, son of Eleazar, son of the high priest Aaron ?
7:6 这厄斯德拉是位经师,精通上主以色列的天主赐给梅瑟的法律。他因有上主他天主的助佑,君王准许了他所要求的一切,他遂从巴比伦起程。
this Ezra came up from Babylon. He was a scribe, well-versed in the law of Moses which was given by the LORD, the God of Israel. Because the hand of the LORD, his God, was upon him, the king granted him all that he requested.
7:7 与他同行的,还有一些以色列子民、司祭、肋未人、歌咏员、门丁和献身者;他们在阿塔薛西斯王第七年,上了耶路撒冷。
Some of the Israelites and some priests, Levites, singers, gatekeepers, and temple slaves also came up to Jerusalem in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes.
7:8 厄斯德拉在王当国第七年五月,到了耶路撒冷。
Ezra came to Jerusalem in the fifth month of that seventh year of the king.
7:9 他决定由一月一日由巴比伦起程,赖他天主的助佑,五月一日到了耶路撒冷。
On the first day of the first month he resolved on the journey up from Babylon, and on the first day of the fifth month he arrived at Jerusalem, for the favoring hand of his God was upon him.
7:10 厄斯德拉专心致志研究上主的法律,心体力行,且在以色列人中教授法律和诫命。
Ezra had set his heart on the study and practice of the law of the LORD and on teaching statutes and ordinances in Israel.
7:11 阿塔薛西斯王,颁给精通上主给以色列人的诫命和法律的司祭兼经师厄斯德拉的诏书,副本如下:
This is a copy of the rescript which King Artaxerxes gave to Ezra the priest-scribe, the scribe of the text of the LORD’s commandments and statutes for Israel:
7:12 万王之王阿塔薛西斯,祝司祭兼上天大王的法律经师厄斯德拉安好:
"Artaxerxes, king of kings, to Ezra the priest, scribe of the law of the God of heaven (then, after greetings):
7:13 我现今颁布此令:凡在我国土内的以色列人民,以及司祭和肋未人,有愿赴耶路撒冷的,可与你同去;
I have issued this decree, that anyone in my kingdom belonging to the people of Israel, its priests or Levites, who is minded to go up to Jerusalem with you, may do so.
7:14 因为君王和七位参谋 派遣你去,照你手中所持有的你天主的法律,视察犹大和耶路撒冷,
You are the envoy from the king and his seven counselors to supervise Judah and Jerusalem in respect of the law of your God which is in your possession,
7:15 并带去君王和他的参谋,甘愿献于住在耶路撒冷的天主的金银,
and to bring with you the silver and gold which the king and his counselors have freely contributed to the God of Israel, whose dwelling is in Jerusalem,
7:16 以及你在巴比伦所获得的金银,和民众并司祭向耶路撒冷天主的殿宇,所自愿捐献的献仪。
as well as all the silver and gold which you may receive throughout the province of Babylon, together with the free-will offerings which the people and priests freely contribute for the house of their God in Jerusalem.
7:17 为此,你可用这钱,费心去买牛犊、绵羊和羔羊,以及同献的素祭和奠祭的祭品,奉献在耶路撒冷你们天主殿内的祭坛上。
You must take care, therefore, to use this money to buy bulls, rams, lambs, and the cereal offerings and libations proper to these, and to offer them on the altar of the house of your God in Jerusalem.
7:18 对于所余的金银,你和你的弟兄看着怎样作好,就按照你们天主的旨意去作。
You and your brethren may do whatever seems best to you with the remainder of the silver and gold, conformably to the will of your God.
7:19 至于交给你,为你天主的殿宇行敬礼时用的器皿,都应安置在耶路撒冷的天主前!
The utensils consigned to you for the service of the house of your God you are to deposit before the God of Jerusalem.
7:20 如你天主的殿另有需要,而你又必须备置,概由王家府库支付。
Whatever else you may be required to supply for the needs of the house of your God, you may draw from the royal treasury.
7:21 我阿塔薛西斯王,向河西众司库官颁布此令:凡厄斯德拉司祭兼上天大王的法律经师,向你所要求的,都应立即一一照办:
I, Artaxerxes the king, issue this decree to all the treasurers of West-of-Euphrates: Whatever Ezra the priest, scribe of the law of the God of heaven, requests of you, dispense to him accurately,
7:22 银子至一百「塔冷通」,麦子至一百「苛尔」,酒至一百「巴特」,油至一百「巴特」,盐无限制。
within these limits: silver, one hundred talents; wheat, one hundred kors; wine, one hundred baths; oil, one hundred baths; salt, without limit.
7:23 凡上天大主所命令的一切,都应为上天大主的殿一一遵行,免得义怒降在君王和他子孙的国土上。
Let everything that is ordered by the God of heaven be carried out exactly for the house of the God of heaven, that wrath may not come upon the realm of the king and his sons.
7:24 我再通告你们:不得向所有司祭、肋未人、歌咏员、门丁、献身作殿役的,或在这天主殿内作侍役的,征收田赋、课捐和关税。
We also inform you that it is not permitted to impose taxes, tributes, or tolls on any priest, Levite, singer, gatekeeper, temple slave, or any other servant of that house of God.
7:25 厄斯德拉,你要按手中所持的天主的法律,派定官吏和判官,治理河西所有的人民,即所有认识你天主法律的人民,凡不认识的,应加教导;
"As for you, Ezra, in accordance with the wisdom of your God which is in your possession, appoint magistrates and judges to administer justice to all the people in West-of-Euphrates, to all, that is, who know the laws of your God. Instruct those who do not know these laws.
7:26 凡不遵守你天主的法律和君王的法律,应严加处分:或处死刑,或放逐,或财产充公,或徒刑」。
Whoever does not obey the law of your God and the law of the king, let strict judgment be executed upon him, whether death, or corporal punishment, or a fine on his goods, or imprisonment."
7:27 上主我们祖先的天主,应受赞美,因为他感动了君王的心,决意光荣耶路撒冷上主的殿宇,
Blessed be the LORD, the God of our fathers, who thus disposed the mind of the king to glorify the house of the LORD in Jerusalem,
7:28 使我在王和他的参谋前,以及在王所有的一切有权势的首长前,获得了宠幸。我因上主我天主的扶助,增加了勇气,遂召集以色列人的首领,与我一同起程。
and who let me find favor with the king, with his counselors, and with all the most influential royal officials. I therefore took courage and, with the hand of the LORD, my God, upon me, I gathered together Israelite family heads to make the return journey with me.
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