59:1 For the director. Do not destroy. A miktam of David, when Saul sent people towatch his house and kill him.I
59:2 Rescue me from my enemies, my God; lift me out of reach of my foes.
59:3 Deliver me from evildoers; from the bloodthirsty save me.
59:4 They have set an ambush for my life; the powerful conspire against me. For nooffense or misdeed of mine, LORD,
59:5 for no fault they hurry to take up arms. Come near and see my plight!
59:6 You, LORD of hosts, are the God of Israel! Awake! Punish all the nations.Have no mercy on these worthless traitors. Selah
59:7 Each evening they return, growling like dogs, prowling the city.
59:8 Their mouths pour out insult; sharp words are on their lips. They say: "Whois there to hear?"
59:9 You, LORD, laugh at them; you deride all the nations.
59:10 My strength, for you I watch; you, God, are my fortress,
59:11 my loving God.II
59:12 May God go before me, and show me my fallen foes. Slay them, God, lest theydeceive my people. Shake them by your power; Lord, our shield, bring them down.
59:13 For the sinful words of their mouths and lips let them be caught in theirpride. For the lies they have told under oath
59:14 destroy them in anger, destroy till they are no more. Then people will knowGod rules over Jacob, yes, even to the ends of the earth. Selah
59:15 Each evening they return, growling like dogs, prowling the city.
59:16 They roam about as scavengers; if they are not filled, they howl.III
59:17 But I shall sing of your strength, extol your love at dawn, For you are myfortress, my refuge in time of trouble.
59:18 My strength, your praise I will sing; you, God, are my fortress, my lovingGod.