
【Sirach】Chapter 13  << Last Chapter Next Chapter >>

13:1 He who touches pitch blackens his hand; he who associates with an impious man learns his ways.
13:2 Bear no burden too heavy for you; go with no one greater or wealthier than yourself. How can the earthen pot go with the metal cauldron? When they knock together, the pot will be smashed:
13:3 The rich man does wrong and boasts of it, the poor man is wronged and begs forgiveness.
13:4 As long as the rich man can use you he will enslave you, but when you are exhausted, he will abandon you.
13:5 As long as you have anything he will speak fair words to you, and with smiles he will win your confidence;
13:6 When he needs something from you he will cajole you, then without regret he will impoverish you.
13:7 While it serves his purpose he will beguile you, then twice or three times he will terrify you; When later he sees you he will pass you by, and shake his head over you.
13:8 Guard against being presumptuous; be not as those who lack sense.
13:9 When invited by a man of influence, keep your distance; then he will urge you all the more.
13:10 Be not bold with him lest you be rebuffed, but keep not too far away lest you be forgotten.
13:11 Engage not freely in discussion with him, trust not his many words; For by prolonged talk he will test you, and though smiling he will probe you.
13:12 Mercilessly he will make of you a laughingstock, and will not refrain from injury or chains.
13:13 Be on your guard and take care never to accompany men of violence.
13:14 Every living thing loves its own kind, every man a man like himself.
13:15 Every being is drawn to its own kind; with his own kind every man associates.
13:16 Is a wolf ever allied with a lamb? So it is with the sinner and the just.
13:17 Can there be peace between the hyena and the dog? Or between the rich and the poor can there be peace?
13:18 Lion’s prey are the wild asses of the desert; so too the poor are feeding grounds for the rich.
13:19 A proud man abhors lowliness; so does the rich man abhor the poor.
13:20 When a rich man stumbles he is supported by a friend; when a poor man trips he is pushed down by a friend.
13:21 Many are the supporters for a rich man when he speaks; though what he says is odious, it wins approval. When a poor man speaks they make sport of him; he speaks wisely and no attention is paid him.
13:22 A rich man speaks and all are silent, his wisdom they extol to the clouds. A poor man speaks and they say: "Who is that?" If he slips they cast him down.
13:23 Wealth is good when there is no sin; but poverty is evil by the standards of the proud.
13:24 The heart of a man changes his countenance, either for good or for evil.
13:25 The sign of a good heart is a cheerful countenance; withdrawn and perplexed is the laborious schemer.

Fr: To:

Old Testament
1 Samuel2 Samuel
1 Kings2 Kings
1 Chronicles2 Chronicles
Esther1 Maccabees
2 MaccabeesJob

New Testament
1 Corinthians2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy2 Timothy
1 Peter2 Peter
1 John2 John
3 JohnJude