
【Numbers】Chapter 2  << Last Chapter Next Chapter >>

2:1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron:
2:2 "The Israelites shall camp, each in his own division, under the ensigns of their ancestral houses. They shall camp around the meeting tent, but at some distance from it.
2:3 "Encamped on the east side, toward the sunrise, shall be the divisional camp of Judah, arranged in companies. (The prince of the Judahites was Nahshon, son of Amminadab,
2:4 and his soldiers amounted in the census to seventy-four thousand six hundred.)
2:5 With Judah shall camp the tribe of Issachar (Their prince was Nethanel, son of Zuar,
2:6 and his soldiers amounted in the census to fifty-four thousand four hundred.)
2:7 and the tribe of Zebulun. (Their prince was Eliab, son of Helon,
2:8 and his soldiers amounted in the census to fifty-seven thousand four hundred.
2:9 The total number of those registered by companies in the camp of Judah was one hundred and eighty-six thousand four hundred.) These shall be first on the march.
2:10 "On the south side shall be the divisional camp of Reuben, arranged in companies. (Their prince was Elizur, son of Shedeur,
2:11 and his soldiers amounted in the census to forty-six thousand five hundred.)
2:12 Beside them shall camp the tribe of Simeon (Their prince was Shelumiel, son of Zurishaddai,
2:13 and his soldiers amounted in the census to fifty-nine thousand three hundred.)
2:14 and next the tribe of Gad. (Their prince was Eliasaph, son of Reuel,
2:15 and his soldiers amounted in the census to forty-five thousand six hundred and fifty.
2:16 The total number of those registered by companies in the camp of Reuben was one hundred and fifty-one thousand four hundred and fifty.) These shall be second on the march.
2:17 "Then the meeting tent and the camp of the Levites shall set out in the middle of the line. As in camp, so also on the march, every man shall be in his proper place, with his own division.
2:18 "On the west side shall be the divisional camp of Ephraim, arranged in companies. (Their prince was Elishama, son of Ammihud,
2:19 and his soldiers amounted in the census to forty thousand five hundred.)
2:20 Beside them shall camp the tribe of Manasseh (Their prince was Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur,
2:21 and his soldiers amounted in the census to thirty-two thousand two hundred.)
2:22 and the tribe of Benjamin. (Their prince was Abidan, son of Gideoni,
2:23 and his soldiers amounted in the census to thirty-five thousand four hundred.
2:24 The total number of those registered by companies in the camp of Ephraim was one hundred and eight thousand one hundred.) These shall be third on the march.
2:25 "On the north side shall be the divisional camp of Dan, arranged in companies. (Their prince was Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai,
2:26 and his soldiers amounted in the census to sixty-two thousand seven hundred.)
2:27 Beside them shall camp the tribe of Asher (Their prince was Pagiel, son of Ochran,
2:28 and his soldiers amounted in the census to forty-one thousand five hundred.)
2:29 and next the tribe of Naphtali. (Their prince was Ahira, son of Enan,
2:30 and his soldiers amounted in the census to fifty-three thousand four hundred.
2:31 The total number of those registered by companies in the camp of Dan was one hundred and fifty-seven thousand six hundred.) These shall be the last of the divisions on the march."
2:32 This was the census of the Israelites taken by ancestral houses. The total number of those registered by companies in the camps was six hundred and three thousand five hundred and fifty.
2:33 The Levites, however, were not registered with the other Israelites, for so the LORD had commanded Moses.
2:34 The Israelites did just as the LORD had commanded Moses; both in camp and on the march they were in their own divisions, every man according to his clan and his ancestral house.
Fr: To:

Old Testament
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