
【Sirach】Chapter 22  << Last Chapter Next Chapter >>

22:1 The sluggard is like a stone in the mud; everyone hisses at his disgrace.
22:2 The sluggard is like a lump of dung; whoever touches him wipes his hands.
22:3 An unruly child is a disgrace to its father; if it be a daughter she brings him to poverty.
22:4 A thoughtful daughter becomes a treasure to her husband, a shameless one is her father’s grief.
22:5 A hussy shames her father and her husband; by both she is despised.
22:6 Like a song in time of mourning is inopportune talk, but lashes and discipline are at all times wisdom.
22:7 Teaching a fool is like gluing a broken pot, or like disturbing a man in the depths of sleep;
22:8 He talks with a slumberer who talks with a fool, for when it is over, he will say, "What was that?"
22:9 Weep over the dead man, for his light has gone out; weep over the fool, for sense has left him.
22:10 Weep but a little over the dead man, for he is at rest; but worse than death is the life of a fool.
22:11 Seven days of mourning for the dead, but for the wicked fool a whole lifetime.
22:12 Speak but seldom with the stupid man, be not the companion of a brute;
22:13 Beware of him lest you have trouble and be spattered when he shakes himself; Turn away from him and you will find rest and not be wearied by his lack of sense.
22:14 What is heavier than lead, and what is its name but "Fool"?
22:15 Sand and salt and an iron mass are easier to bear than a stupid man.
22:16 Masonry bonded with wooden beams is not loosened by an earthquake; Neither is a resolve constructed with careful deliberation shaken in a moment of fear.
22:17 A resolve that is backed by prudent understanding is like the polished surface of a smooth wall.
22:18 Small stones lying on an open height will not remain when the wind blows; Neither can a timid resolve based on foolish plans withstand fear of any kind.
22:19 One who jabs the eye brings tears: he who pierces the heart bares its feelings.
22:20 He who throws stones at birds drives them away, and he who insults a friend breaks up the friendship.
22:21 Should you draw a sword against a friend, despair not, it can be undone.
22:22 Should you speak sharply to a friend, fear not, you can be reconciled. But a contemptuous insult, a confidence broken, or a treacherous attack will drive away any friend.
22:23 Make fast friends with a man while he is poor; thus will you enjoy his prosperity with him. In time of trouble remain true to him, so as to share in his inheritance when it comes.
22:24 Before flames burst forth an oven smokes; so does abuse come before bloodshed.
22:25 From a friend in need of support no one need hide in shame;
22:26 But from him who brings harm to his friend all will stand aloof who hear of it.
22:27 Who will set a guard over my mouth, and upon my lips an effective seal, That I may not fail through them, that my tongue may not destroy me?

Fr: To:

Old Testament
1 Samuel2 Samuel
1 Kings2 Kings
1 Chronicles2 Chronicles
Esther1 Maccabees
2 MaccabeesJob

New Testament
1 Corinthians2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy2 Timothy
1 Peter2 Peter
1 John2 John
3 JohnJude