
【Sirach】Chapter 29  << Last Chapter Next Chapter >>

29:1 He does a kindness who lends to his neighbor, and he fulfills the precepts who holds out a helping hand.
29:2 Lend to your neighbor in his hour of need, and pay back your neighbor when a loan falls due;
29:3 Keep your promise, be honest with him, and you will always come by what you need.
29:4 Many a man who asks for a loan adds to the burdens of those who help him;
29:5 When he borrows, he kisses the lender’s hand and speaks with respect of his creditor’s wealth; But when payment is due he disappoints him and says he is helpless to meet the claim.
29:6 If the lender is able to recover barely half, he considers this an achievement; If not, he is cheated of his wealth and acquires an enemy at no extra charge; With curses and insults the borrower pays him back, with abuse instead of honor.
29:7 Many refuse to lend, not out of meanness, but from fear of being cheated.
29:8 To a poor man, however, be generous; keep him not waiting for your alms;
29:9 Because of the precept, help the needy, and in their want, do not send them away empty-handed.
29:10 Spend your money for your brother and friend, and hide it not under a stone to perish;
29:11 Dispose of your treasure as the Most High commands, for that will profit you more than the gold.
29:12 Store up almsgiving in your treasure house, and it will save you from every evil;
29:13 Better than a stout shield and a sturdy spear it will fight for you against the foe.
29:14 A good man goes surety for his neighbor, and only the shameless would play him false;
29:15 Forget not the kindness of your backer, for he offers his very life for you.
29:16 The wicked turn a pledge on their behalf into misfortune, and the ingrate abandons his protector;
29:17 Going surety has ruined many prosperous men and tossed them about like waves of the sea,
29:18 Has exiled men of prominence and sent them wandering through foreign lands.
29:19 The sinner through surety comes to grief, and he who undertakes too much falls into lawsuits.
29:20 Go surety for your neighbor according to your means, but take care lest you fall thereby.
29:21 Life’s prime needs are water, bread, and clothing, a house, too, for decent privacy.
29:22 Better a poor man’s fare under the shadow of one’s own roof than sumptuous banquets among strangers.
29:23 Be it little or much, be content with what you have, and pay no heed to him who would disparage your home;
29:24 A miserable life it is to go from house to house, for as a guest you dare not open your mouth.
29:25 The visitor has no thanks for filling the cups; besides, you will hear these bitter words:
29:26 "Come here, stranger, set the table, give me to eat the food you have!
29:27 Away, stranger, for one more worthy; for my brother’s visit I need the room!"
29:28 Painful things to a sensitive man are abuse at home and insults from his creditors.

Fr: To:

Old Testament
1 Samuel2 Samuel
1 Kings2 Kings
1 Chronicles2 Chronicles
Esther1 Maccabees
2 MaccabeesJob

New Testament
1 Corinthians2 Corinthians
1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy2 Timothy
1 Peter2 Peter
1 John2 John
3 JohnJude